I have become a ditz. I don't know if I should blame the hormones because some of the ditziness occurred before I started taking it, but I'll blame it anyway because that's what ditzes do. Unfortunately, the following stories are true:
I was on my way to Brandon mall, which is like the hugest mall in my area. It's a good distance away from where I live, but for 300 + stores that don't cater to the thug lifestyle (like the mall a few miles away from my house). It is worth the trip. The issue is, once you get there, you start crawling around for a parking spot. Didn't matter, I was going shopping and was going to be happy. I decided to call Erin. I do that when I am bored sometimes and I wanted to talk about publishing GBTC (like I said this was a while ago). After about 5 minutes I found a parking spot and pulled in my van. I then started hunting down my wallet. It had fallen on the side of the center console. Almost ready. But then I started looking for my phone. It wasn't in the center console. It wasn't on the side of the center console. I checked under the seats, not there. I Checked in the little cubbyhole under my radio, found some mints, no phone. Checked inside my glove box, didn't find gloves, didn't find the phone. I was getting frustrated. I knew I had taken the phone with me, where was it? I saw the charger plugged into the lighter, followed the cord, nothing. "Grr," I said, "I can't find this damn thing anywhere." Finally Joyce asks me "But what are you looking for?" I told her, "My phone, I can't find it anywhere." In which she replies, "you mean the phone you're talking on?"
Now this happened last night. Everyone knows I work nights and usually get up just before I leave for work (I take a late nap before work because it just feels right to wake up and then go to work, not be up for eight hours and then work). Anyway, I got dressed, grabbed my stuff and was about to leave. I just needed my van keys, which I just saw a minute ago on my entertainment center in front of my 60 inch tv (Cheap plug but its the only cool thing I own, thank you Tampa PD). I couldn't believe it. Where did my keys go. I moved some stuff around on the entertainment center. Nothing. I looked behind it and under it, nothing. I have this little cat condo thing that my cats never go in and so I use it as a table for my mouse and keyboard (yes, I'm typing this on a 60 inch monitor) I have a habit of putting things in there, but no key to be found. I was about to go find the pants I wore earlier, until I realized the keys were in my hand. This is worst then not being able to find your glasses because they are on your head.
All I need are pompoms and a scandalously short skirt. Well on my way to being a ditzy ex-cheerleader.
Know how the ditz thing goes
went into my kitchen looking for something, couldnt remember what, went back to my computer and remembered, went back, forgot, went back to the computer again, and finally remembered long enough to actually get what I was supposed to.
I keep it all in my Purse and i never ever go any were with out it. and I never use a hand bag its always a shoulder bag I never put down when I go out. Or i would be lost
Love and Hugs Hanna
Love And Hugs Hanna

Blessed Be
I've become a ditzy ex-cheerleader
For which team? :) LOL!
May Your Light Forever Shine
Just remember...
To check on top of your head when you can't find your glasses. ;-)
I know where my glasses are, but it took me an hour to look for my eyes
Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
Been there
I was driving down the road once and had a brief freakout when I couldn't feel my car keys in my pocket.
Everyone here has done that at some point in time even if they deny it. So that makes us all ditzy ex cheerleaders. Wait a minute... O.O
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
It's been said...
It's been said that when you walk into a room and can't remember what you went into the room for, that's God playing SIMS with you and canceling your action.
Just look out for the plum-bob over your head.
Yes that is my excuse and I am sticking to it. My brain cells only work part of the time before they need a break. I just do not have there cooperation as to when they do this. There are sometimes that to many are on break at one time and the performance suffers causing me to make the same sill mistakes. So blame it on PART-TIMERS syndrome.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book