...My first story "A Life Ever Changing" and on that day Ms Angel O'Hare was officially born.
Well, a few stories later and with a few bumps in the road, but mostly wonderful times and memories I want to thank every one here for just being here. BCTS is like a family, the family we never had for the most part. Most of all I wish to thank with the deepest feeling my heart can convey to Mom (Erin) for believing in me, encouraging me and helping me become a better writer and one who really enjoys writing.
There are really a lot more people to thank by name, but just know I remember you all and all that you have done for me over the past ten years.
Huggles to one and all!
Wow, Ten years!
You certainly started out right! That's one of my favorite stories!
Thrilled for you!
Love, Andrea Lena
Sept 3rd 2002 Erin posted the first chapters to...
Angel, your story: A Life Ever Changing http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/book/453/life-ever-changing is one of the bestest stories here. I am hoping to see you post more stories as well as complete those waiting more chapters.
May Your Light Forever Shine