Totally Bummed; Slightly Optimistic

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I Hate to Cut My Hair!!!

I had two years worth of luscious locks going. It was halfway down my spine.

Sadly, I've been out of work for almost as long. I've got what looks to be a great opportunity coming up. Sadly, I can't even consider going for the job with my lovely coif. Eighteen inches of thick, curly, chestnut hair has been donated to those who might need it more than me.

I just hope it brings as much joy to the new wearers.;)

Love, Hugs, And Blessings,
A Much Shorter Haired Jonelle ;0


Glad to see it didn't go to

Glad to see it didn't go to waste. I just wish my hair didn't grow like weeds, the more I cut it the faster it seems to grow...

Of course, that's a minor problem compared to those males like my father and uncle (on my father's side) who went bald in their early thirties....


Well it's good you donated

Well it's good you donated it, but it still must've been hard! I think i'd have a nervous breakdown if I had to cut my hair short O_o

grtz & hugs,

Sarah xxx

I've been

Extravagance's picture

growing mine for almost three years, and it's not far beyond my shoulders. Bad genes, I suppose. I was adopted at three weeks, so I've no knowledge of my genetic heritage at all. Knowing my luck, the males all go bald at 30 and the females are all flat-chested. =(

Catfolk Pride.PNG

That's alright Beautiful.

I'm a lot like Taylor and You're a lot like Jenna. I like girls with short hair just as much as long as they're you:) Like I said real fun to nuzzle and more neck to kiss:) I Love you Angel and you donating your hair was just another one of the reasons I Love You.

*Great Big Hugs*
More in Privacy:)
Forever and Always Your Bailey.

Bailey Summers

hugs, sweetie

its a sacrifice, but work has to come first. Congrats on donating it though, well done.



#&*%@ NUTS

That's terrible! So sorry, glad you are taking it well. Why can't people get a life? Why are "they" so threatened?

Conform, Conform, Conform, Conform, Conform... (non conformist all my life...)

Maybe you could have told them you were a siek/sikh and couldn't cut your hair. You'd have to wear a turban. Too late now. I guess you can grow it back.

Hugs and Bright Blessings,

Ready for work, 1992. Renee_3.jpg

Hugs and Bright Blessings,