Would you believe a rooster with a knife attached to it?
A man attending an illegal cockfight in California died after being stabbed in the leg by one of the birds, officials have said.
The cock had a knife attached to its limb to take part in the gambling fight in Tulare County, central California.
Jose Luis Ochoa, 35, was declared dead in hospital where he arrived some two hours after being injured.
The coroner's report said he had suffered an accidental "sharp force injury" to his right calf.
It was not immediately clear if a delay in seeking medical attention was a factor in the death.
"I have never seen this type of incident," Sgt Martin King, who had worked in the sheriff's department for more than two decades, told the Bakersfield Californian on Sunday, when the incident happened.
I'm sorry for Mr. Ochoa's family but what kind of crazy person attaches a deadly weapon to an animal?
Extensions are frequently attached to the spurs of a fighting cock. It's a brutal sport even without the enhancements.
The man may have bled to death or suffered an embolism. I imagine the whole story will come out. Of course it might have been similar to when Lotte Lenya attacked James Bond in From Russia With Love with a poisoned spur in her shoe.
Rosa Klebb
Well I have never been to a cockfight(Even though my wife was born in the Philippines) so I don't know about the knife stuff. You learn something everyday......
Writing is painful, it's lonely and you suffer and there's no immediate feedback.- Actor, writer, playwright Robert Shaw
Daniel, author of maid, whore, bimbo, and sissy free TG fiction since 2000
What the world needs is more geniuses with humility; there are so few of us left.- Oscar Levant
From Russia with...
Robert Shaw was Red Grant in the film, fighting to the death with Bond on the Orient Express.
And Rosa Klebb....
...was played by Lotte Lenya, the actress who was married to Kurt Weill, the composer of the Three Penny Opera, which featured the song, "Mack the Knife."
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
let's have some real cockfighting!
Instead of torturing the chickens or their pit bulls why don't these sick mofo's strap the knives on to their own peckers, have their hands cuffed behind them and go at it with each other like that? I'd be much more impressed with them, would seem a truer expression of all their greezy macho posturing; and in fact I might even pay money (though probably only once...) to see something that grotesque and stupid...
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
So Many Ways to Go with This
... and so little time.
Pricked by a prick?
Assaulted by a gay young blade?
His limp libido offered little in the way of defense?
Size does make a difference?
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Roosters are evil enough on their own
Every single rooster my grandparents ever owned was a psychotic hellspawned bird of pure malicious sadism, and they were just your normal white roosters. Gathering eggs was an exercise in running track-and-field across the barnyard to avoid being pecked and/or flogged.
I can't begin to imagine why someone would then attach a deadly instrument to an already deadly bird that was additionally, intentionally trained to be more aggressive.
Mean roosters
I've seen enough mean roosters in my day, but the current crop seem to be a lot calmer. Even fighting cocks are bred to be gentle to humans -- some strains, anyhow.
While a couple of roosters going at it can be amusing, I can't really see doing it on purpose, and I especially can't see letting the birds fight to the death.
When I was a kid, we had a couple roosters, named Cashus and Joe, who were constantly at each other. We separated them when it became clear that neither was going to give up, and that one (I don't recall which) was going to take a severe beating if we didn't separate them.
More recently, one of our roosters turned mean and started chasing the kids. We renamed him 'Soupy,' and were going to make good on his name change when we found someone who wanted an aggressive rooster to help protect his flock.
We took him over and let him loose. Of course, the Rhode Island Red that was already living there had a different opinion. They did the rooster dance for half an hour or so, but Soupy finally submitted to the Rhodie's top cockness and all was well.
There I was, thinking that "Cockfighting" was the gay version of Thumb Wrestling.
You learn something new every day, it would seem.
Pffft. Roosters.
This is what the real men bet on.
Frickin Laserbeams
You said: I'm sorry for Mr. Ochoa's family but what kind of crazy person attaches a deadly weapon to an animal?
To which the only response can be... an evil one. Or even an Evil one. Or one that's Doctor Evil...
...sharks with frickin' laserbeams attached to their heads!
Click here to see what I'm talking about on a YouTube clip -- Enjoy!
Karma. Pure Karma. He took
Karma. Pure Karma. He took pleasure from the suffering of an animal for the money and "entertainment" in watching them bleed, and he was enabled to find out what it was like. Loving it.
Too cosmically, poetically ironic...
...would it be if, then, instead somehow were his name Craig...
/Yoda (still +dorky, although)
Successor to the LToC
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"