Bush's Daughter Backs Gay Marriage.

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George Dubbya's daughter, Barbara, a leading republican, has done a video calling for legalisation of gay marriage. See link below and hopefully her video too.




So, now....

So, now his daughter AND his wife have both come out in favor of same-sex marriages. He remains... Dubya.

His Vice President has ALSO come out in favor of same-sex marriage.

What's the world coming to?


To be fair, Cheney was never

To be fair, Cheney was never very active at all in the anti-gay marriage debate while VP under George W. Cheney's daughter is well-known as a lesbian Republican and it proves family is more important than politics.

Now Barbara coming out in support of same-sex marriage is a big deal, because like McCain's daughter, she is seriously into politics and is someone many Republicans are courting favor with because of her ties to younger voters, particularly younger Republican voters. And I will go out on a limb and say that W probably in private wouldn't be against same-sex marriage, his problem was being tied to the Religious movement that abhors anything they don't like.

Shannon Johnston

Samirah M. Johnstone

McCain's wife too!

Can it be that those who put themselves in the seat of the most high are losing favor?

I Read "Decision Points" And President Bush Stated....

jengrl's picture

that he had absolutely no problem with Dick Cheney's daughter being Gay. Cheney came to him and told him that if he had a problem with his daughter, Mary, then he wasn't going to run with him as Vice President. President Bush told him that it was absolutely a non issue with him.



Because in the United States, honesty does not get you elected President. And that is true of both parties.

. . . .

Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until they speak.

I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.

That's easy really. It's the

That's easy really. It's the same reason the current President won't take too much of a stand either. By doing so, it will doom their future and their legacy. It is sad but true. Besides, politically, the people that would be pleased about Bush supporting same-sex marriage had demonized him and were not going to vote for him in most likelihood while those that voted for him would have dropped him in a heartbeat if he came out and supported it.

And I apologize if I came too close to the argument of politics.

Shannon Johnston

Samirah M. Johnstone

Those Dark Glasses you are wearing?

There definitely C.I.A.

Were they awarded to you for long service? or maybe a special service award?

It sounds like the times are a changin!

About time!


Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)



I suspect that you're right. He can't blow off his core constituency without repercussions, but he did manage to deflect their request that he do something by telling them that, if they wanted to do it, they would need to amend the constitution. It was a good answer, because it throws the ball out of his court, and a 'Defense Of Marriage' amendment is very unlikely to pass -- or even come to a vote, for that matter. The state amendments of that type have, for the most part, been struck down in court.