Chat Log - BC/SD chat December 9, 2006

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Session Start: Sat Dec 09 16:00:03 2006
Session Ident: #Main_Room
* Logging #Main_Room to 'logsMainRm1209.ZappedNet.log'
* ScottRamsey has joined #Main_Room
{@Bob_A} hi Scott
{ScottRamsey} Hello
* ErinHalfelven has joined #Main_Room
{ErinHalfelven} [Joins the Chat Room]
{@Bob_A} hi Erin
{ScottRamsey} Hi Erin
{@Bob_A} just the 4 of us so far. Not certain what's happening with the low turn-out.
* Bob_A sets mode: +o ErinHalfelven
{@ErinHalfelven} hallo all
{@ErinHalfelven} no one much commented on the offer either
{@ErinHalfelven} but hatbox is a success :) i think thanks to the input from last time
{@ErinHalfelven} maybe heavy shopping day?
{@Bob_A} maybe
{ScottRamsey} Well I bathed so its not my fault
{@Bob_A} Did you want a chat system set up on your new server?
{@ErinHalfelven} probably a good idea but i havent got around to it yet
{@Bob_A} BTW, Erin, I got my phone line fixed. The hum is gone now.
{@Bob_A} they found 4 bad spots along the line.
{@ErinHalfelven} The hum is gone
{@ErinHalfelven} good :)
{@ErinHalfelven} Just for anyone interested, Hat box has taken in 274 bucks this week
{@ErinHalfelven} so far
{ScottRamsey} Yay!
{@ErinHalfelven} 7 annuals, 1 each quarterly and monthly, 5 LW and 2 JoB
{@ErinHalfelven} and i've gotten the amazon version about 1/3 to 1/2 done
{@ErinHalfelven} plus cash donations came in the mail yesterday totalling 100 dollars
{ScottRamsey} How are you doing on donated stories to use for it?
{@ErinHalfelven} i've got one more ithink, plus one from me and a couple of people have promised some
{@ErinHalfelven} and some re-posts are available, too
{ScottRamsey} I'm gonna try and get something for you
{@ErinHalfelven} okay :) good
{ScottRamsey} I've got a couple of ideas I was working on - I had to push them back to write something for some silly contest though
{@ErinHalfelven} :)
{@ErinHalfelven} we have only four entries in contesst
{ScottRamsey} Well mine is with Amelia being edited right now
{@ErinHalfelven} ah okay :)
* adonna has joined #Main_Room
{adonna} [Joins the Chat Room]
{adonna} is this on?
{ScottRamsey} Hi Donna
{adonna} Hey!
{@ErinHalfelven} hi donna
{@ErinHalfelven} thanks for the donation
{adonna} de nachos as we say here in the southwest ;)
{adonna} big crowd?
{@ErinHalfelven} not so's you'd notice
{ScottRamsey} Well its a lot easier to follow the chat flow :P
{@ErinHalfelven} yeah :)
{@ErinHalfelven} isn't that kitten cute?
{ScottRamsey} adorable
{adonna} did you get those other can-in-the-hatbox pix i sent?
{@ErinHalfelven} yes, itinerant sent some too
{@ErinHalfelven} his own cats :)
{adonna} oh
{adonna} well, i stole mine off the internets
{@ErinHalfelven} i can still use them as source for doing my own drawing
{@ErinHalfelven} i got the first one from a clipart catalog
{adonna} i got a ton of those around, i'll look
{@ErinHalfelven} okay, we've discussed the kitten...any new business?
{adonna} is jessica doing the dead goth thing?
{@ErinHalfelven} }pokes jessica
{@ErinHalfelven} looks like it
{ScottRamsey} She has been kinda quiet
{ScottRamsey} I posted a couple of pictures I created of my heroine from Genomorph on my author page if anyone is interested - I think I captured her pretty well
* Dru has joined #Main_Room
{Dru} [Joins the Chat Room]
{@ErinHalfelven} hi dru
{ScottRamsey} Hi Dru
{@ErinHalfelven} and thanks again :)
{Dru} Hi Erin
{Dru} My pleasure
{Dru} Hi Scott
{@Bob_A} hi Dru
{Dru} Hey Bob
{@ErinHalfelven} dru has been reposting stories from classic bc, among other nice things
{Dru} Ahh don't embarrass
{Dru} Sorry I'm Late - Xmas tree time
{adonna} editors, can't live with them, can't live with them
{ScottRamsey} LOL
{Dru} Looking at what I posted I think I should have used one
{@ErinHalfelven} it always looks worse after posting, innit?
{Dru} Oh yeah
{@ErinHalfelven} i'm trying to confuse people about where i live, eh?
{ScottRamsey} what are you talking aboot?
{@ErinHalfelven} actually, they say aboat :)
{@ErinHalfelven} but then you are a scott, so i guess you can say aboot :)
{Dru} I posted my first story yesterday and didn't use and editor
{ScottRamsey} Oh well ...
{Dru} Now I'm re-reading it and seeing a lot of mistakes
{@ErinHalfelven} nice story, tho
{Dru} They always say you shouldn't try to proof your own stories
{Dru} Thanks
{adonna} karen j edited mine
* Itinerant has joined #Main_Room
{Dru} A very nice story
{ScottRamsey} I was very embarrassed when I used an editor for the first time
{Itinerant} Hi all!
{ScottRamsey} Hi Itinerant
{Dru} Hi Itinerant
{adonna} proofing your own work is like taking out your own appendix, it can be done but there are risks and it's more painful that way
{Itinerant} Hi Scott!
{Itinerant} Hi Dru!
{@Bob_A} hi Itinerant
{ScottRamsey} LOL Donna
{Itinerant} Hi Bob!
{adonna} hi itinerant
{Itinerant} Hi adonna
{@ErinHalfelven} hi it. :)
{Itinerant} Erin: :-P
{@ErinHalfelven} for some reason that sequence of letters in your name tangles my fingers
* Itinerant is now known as Nic-tinerant
{Nic-tinerant} Dru: How long have you been writing? Summer Wine is very good!
{@ErinHalfelven} you think people are staying away who haven't signed up for a subscription?
{Dru} I thought of it Weds and just went for it. Thanks
{adonna} it didn't read like virgin fiction
{Nic-tinerant} *gasp*
{Dru} I've been reading all of your works -- so I had good teachers
* Nic-tinerant points to Scott
{@ErinHalfelven} the only way it really showe as early efforts is there was a bit more tell than show :)
{@ErinHalfelven} but that was appropriate to the voice and tale you were telling so it didnt really detract
* ScottRamsey Who ,,,me?
{Nic-tinerant} As a good example, Scott.
{Dru} Thanks Erin
{ScottRamsey} I just finished Summer Wine Dru and I agree it is a lovely story
{Dru} Thank you
{@ErinHalfelven} brb
{Nic-tinerant} How's Genomorph 2 coming, Scott?
{@ErinHalfelven} back
{Dru} Can't wait for that
{ScottRamsey} It's coming - I've got a bad case of performance anxiety with it though
{Dru} Just hit submit
{Nic-tinerant} I understand -- completely.
* Nic-tinerant is now known as Itinerant
{Dru} wb Ininerant
{Itinerant} Amelia is helping with the editing?
{ScottRamsey} She will as soon as I have something for her to edit
{Itinerant} She's served as a semi-co-consipirator for me.
{@ErinHalfelven} unindicted
{Itinerant} She knows some key points down the way.
{ScottRamsey} She is wonderful
{Itinerant} Erin: That too.
{@ErinHalfelven} :)
{@ErinHalfelven} bob is my unindicted co conspirator
{Itinerant} Heh!
{@ErinHalfelven} did you get that story i sent bob or did i screw up the include again?
{Itinerant} Bob_A: Have you warmed up yet?
{@Bob_A} I'm just the gnome that toils away in the boiler room of Erin's site.
{@ErinHalfelven} :)
{@Bob_A} I got it, Erin.
{@ErinHalfelven} cool
{@ErinHalfelven} not much to it yet and what i sent kind of ended on a low note
{ScottRamsey} watch out Bob - that poor Travelocity gnome just disappeared
{ScottRamsey} There may be a gnome-knapper out there
{@ErinHalfelven} bill shatner had him fired for stealing the good lines :)
{@Bob_A} maybe he got lost like aso much airline luggage lately.
{ScottRamsey} I figure he took all the money he made and is kicking back on a sandy beach somewhere
{@ErinHalfelven} wrong travel company but funny, to me
{ScottRamsey} I laughed Erin - there were even tears LOL
{@ErinHalfelven} i'm going to name a character alexandra playas sometime and see if anyone gets it
* ScottRamsey feels something whip by over his head
{@ErinHalfelven} playas = beaches
{Dru} cute
{@ErinHalfelven} adonna named a lot of her characters in jacks or better after western towns
{adonna} i already knew you'd read it
{Itinerant} Erin: What story length do you find works best for your premiums?
{@ErinHalfelven} since i only have two so far it's hard to say :) but the novelette is selling better
{Itinerant} Hmmmmm
* Christy_Lake has joined #Main_Room
{@ErinHalfelven} then, a lot more people know jill (angela) better than donna
{@ErinHalfelven} hi christy
{Itinerant} Perhaps I should unearth a plot idea ...
{Dru} Hi Christy
{Itinerant} Hi Christy!
{@Bob_A} Hi Christy
{Christy_Lake} hello Itinerant,
{ScottRamsey} Hello Christy
{adonna} i think i did those bimbo stories and offended someone
{Christy_Lake} been looking for some more ma'at and
{Christy_Lake} also a bunch more of the amazon
{Christy_Lake} hello Bob
{Itinerant} Christy: Ma'at 5 is in work.
{@ErinHalfelven} i dont think so, donna
{Christy_Lake} and i think it is a hello for the second time Erin
{@ErinHalfelven} huh?
{Itinerant} The next Amazon chapter is in planning.
{@ErinHalfelven} hello christy :)
{Christy_Lake} Almost missed you Scott
{adonna} hi christy
{ScottRamsey} :)
{Christy_Lake} I think the first and last time i saw you Erin i was ;looking for more of the Fairy queen tale
{@ErinHalfelven} fairy queen?
* rachel has joined #Main_Room
{@ErinHalfelven} the fairy king is by wanda
{Itinerant} Hi rachel!
{Dru} Hi Rachel
{@Bob_A} hi rachel
{@ErinHalfelven} hi rachel
{rachel} bleeeugh
{adonna} rachel, yo!
* rachel spreads a virulent flu virus around the channel
{Christy_Lake} young asthmatic boy moves to a new suburb and steps on the fairy King
{ScottRamsey} As long as you don't get hate mail from BADDDSTMULB you're okay Donna
{Dru} I just finished one please keep it to yourself
{Christy_Lake} gets curesed with wishes by the fairy queen who has decided to marry
{@ErinHalfelven} oh great, someone hand me the isopropanol and help me rig this sneeze guard
* @Bob_A already has the firus filter turned on for the chat rooms.
{@ErinHalfelven} christy, that's wanda's story
{@ErinHalfelven} thanks bob
{Christy_Lake} ok, thanks,
{adonna} scott, what the fu__? ;)
{Christy_Lake} that might be the reason i have not found it, i was looking for it under Erin
{rachel} so do people love or hate short daily installments of a story?
{@ErinHalfelven} yes
{Christy_Lake} both
{ScottRamsey} Bimbos Against Defi ... Defe ...Dedi.....Stories That Make Us Look Bad!!!!
{rachel} heh
{Itinerant} Short installments of a good story are good.
{adonna} lol
{Christy_Lake} especially if they keep comming
{Itinerant} Long installments of a good story are better!!
{Itinerant} ;-)
{Dru} They're good if not spaced too far apart - daily works
{Christy_Lake} agreed, especially if they are comming up a week or so apart or closer
{ScottRamsey} I like the way yours is paced Rachel
{adonna} i tried it and no one cared, you're getting more response than i did with b.c.k.
* jessica has joined #Main_Room
{@ErinHalfelven} hi jessica
{jessica} morning
{rachel} ScottRamsey: pace probably comes from the nanowrimo-ness of it
{@Bob_A} hi jessica
{ScottRamsey} Hello Jesica
{Dru} I decided to try the daily posting of the transfer Kelly Girl to Top Shelf
{Itinerant} Hi jessica
{Dru} Hi Jessica
{rachel} there are times when you just go 'sod it i have to move *on* now' :-)
{jessica} hi
{jessica} hmm i've been busy recently
{@ErinHalfelven} my nanowrimo got slow tracked
{jessica} work gaming
{rachel} this has left me with a 4.19 that i think needs a rewrite though :-( only two days to do that, and i just haven't been well enough :-(
{jessica} hmm itinerant any eta on more nicole ?
{Itinerant} Jessica: It'll be a bit. My muse wanted another Ma'at chapter first.
{rachel} ErinHalfelven: mine only got to about 39.5K words though, so i didn't 'win'
{rachel} revisions since then have pushed it over 40,000
{@ErinHalfelven} i made about 9000 words
{jessica} thats interesting considering muse seems to be named nicole
{ScottRamsey} As much as I would like to harass you IT, I'll have to plead the fifth
{Itinerant} *grin*
* Christy_Lake seconds ScottRamsey's motion
{jessica} at least its not as bad as whatley these days on delivery of stories
{Itinerant} There was also that silly "Twelve Days" that chopped a week out.
{ScottRamsey} Yeah whose idea was it to have this silly contest?
{jessica} twelve days
{jessica} ?
{@ErinHalfelven} ----} Someone else
{Itinerant} Jessica: Twelve Days of Christmas
{Itinerant} A story written for Erin's contest
{ScottRamsey} I haven't read any of the contest entries yet - I didn't want to discourage myself :/
{@ErinHalfelven} seriously, someone wrote to me and said "I'll give 150 for prizes and 50 to BC for a holiday contest"
{adonna} read mine, it'll sock your knockers off
{jessica} oh that one i forgot you wrote it
{Dru} Since I wasn't a writer when it started I've read and there are some excellent ones
{Dru} Yes adonna
{adonna} they're all good, it's a conspiracy
{rachel} hm, wonder if i can fit an xmas episode in...
{ScottRamsey} Personally I found the contest to be a very difficult exercise - short stories are much harder to write
{@ErinHalfelven} several people have written holiday stuff and refused to enter contest
{rachel} probably not
* Pippa has joined #Main_Room
{Dru} Hi Pippa
{Itinerant} Hi Pippa!
{ScottRamsey} Hello Pippa
{@ErinHalfelven} pip, pip, pippa
{Pippa} Hi, Girls!!! (and Boys!)
{Pippa} *Hugs* and *kisses*, everyone!
{@Bob_A} hi Pippa
{adonna} hey pippa
{@ErinHalfelven} maybe 2pm is just too early bob?
{Itinerant} Scott: I didn't have any problem. It's not like I've ever written anything long. (tongue planted firmly in cheek)
{Pippa} Hi, Dru, Itin, Scott, Erin, Bob & adonna !! *hugs*
{ScottRamsey} LOL
{@ErinHalfelven} short stories are where you end them
{@Bob_A} maybe. The last session was at 6.
{@ErinHalfelven} yeah
{@ErinHalfelven} 3/6, this time 2/5
{@Bob_A} for the next one maybe set up a poll on BCTS to select the day/time?
{@ErinHalfelven} yeah
{Itinerant} I'd have been here earlier, but got busy and forgot. *blush*
{@ErinHalfelven} anyone read that chapter i wrote in fictioneer to "the hole in the sky"? that's not only turning into a novel, it wants to grow up to be a trilogy
{Dru} Yes - I really liked it. I look forward to more
{ScottRamsey} I read it when you first posted it Erin, it's very, very good
* Bodymaker has joined #Main_Room
{Bodymaker} [Joins the Chat Room]
{Dru} Are we going to post the log of this?
{Christy_Lake} keep a time and let us get into the habit of scheduling for it
{@ErinHalfelven} well, i got stalled out in chapter 3 then took some time to think about it and the more i think the longer it potentially gets
{@Bob_A} hi Bodymaker
{Itinerant} I'm curious to see where that story goes.
{Dru} Hi Bodymaker
{Itinerant} Hi Bodymaker
{rachel} yeah, that was scary, my half-drunken warblings going up for all to see...
{@Bob_A} I'm logging, Dru
{@ErinHalfelven} hi bodymaker
{Bodymaker} hi all
{@ErinHalfelven} bob lives in a forested area, it's easier for him :)
{Itinerant} ARRRGH!
{Dru} I"m lost and can't find myself
{Christy_Lake} well here is a line
{@ErinHalfelven} ----} dru
{Christy_Lake} grab it and we will find you
{@ErinHalfelven} i do mine in green to see them easier
{Dru} Only problem with this time and this date is I'm being summoned to go to an Xmas party. Chat with all of you next time. LOL
{@Bob_A} byr dru
{@Bob_A} bye dru
{Itinerant} Bye Dru!
* Dru Quit (Leaving: Leaving the chat room.)
{@ErinHalfelven} bye dru
{@ErinHalfelven} i got a party to go to later
{@ErinHalfelven} the hole in the sky already has a sequel sort of outlined called "the hole in the piano"
{Itinerant} Piano??
{@ErinHalfelven} and a third book called "holes within holes"
* theignorantidiot has joined #Main_Room
{theignorantidiot} [Joins the Chat Room]
{Itinerant} Hi TII
{@ErinHalfelven} hi tii
{ScottRamsey} Hello Tii
{Bodymaker} hi Tii
{theignorantidiot} Greetings All!!
{theignorantidiot} OK, I give; What are we discussing?
{@ErinHalfelven} stories and writing apparently :)
{@Bob_A} anything
{@ErinHalfelven} it, yes piano :)
{@Bob_A} okay, stories and writing...
{ScottRamsey} We were going to talk about taking over the world but Pinky and the Brain got lost it seems
{Itinerant} Narf!
{@Bob_A} ZORT!
{theignorantidiot} HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
{@ErinHalfelven} ack phbbt!
{Itinerant} Hi Bill!
{@ErinHalfelven} :)
* ScottRamsey wonders where we are going to find rubber pants for everyone
{theignorantidiot} MY, We're all in a festive mood tonight!
{Itinerant} Welcome back to Bloom County!
* Quietly has joined #Main_Room
{Quietly} [Joins the Chat Room]
* Bluberyblond has joined #Main_Room
{Bluberyblond} [Joins the Chat Room]
{theignorantidiot} Scott: Why would I need to wear rubber pants?
{adonna} we're trying to figure out erin's titsle to her sequel to the hole in the piano and wondering if she's actually going to write them
{@ErinHalfelven} hi Q&B
{ScottRamsey} Hello Quietly and Blu
{@ErinHalfelven} donna, you and me both
{theignorantidiot} I do not think I've heard about this story.
{adonna} erin: thought so LOL
* Quietly Quit (Leaving: )
{@ErinHalfelven} bye qui
{@ErinHalfelven} tii, i posted the first part of it to pointy ears and all
{theignorantidiot} YOU LOST ME!!!!!!
{@ErinHalfelven} lol
{theignorantidiot} Thank you!!!
{@ErinHalfelven} soright
{@ErinHalfelven} i'm a charter member of the big hopper clique
{@ErinHalfelven} are you a little hopper or big hopper writer?
{ScottRamsey} There's that breeze again ...
{Itinerant} Swoosh!
{ScottRamsey} :)
{theignorantidiot} Please define the term hopper?
{@ErinHalfelven} how many stories in your hopper?
{theignorantidiot} Thank You
{@ErinHalfelven} how many do you work on at once?
{theignorantidiot} Not currently writing at this time.
{@ErinHalfelven} slacker huh? :)
{ScottRamsey} Ah okay I see - I would be the big hopper type then
{ScottRamsey} depending on how you define big that is
{@ErinHalfelven} tii, sokay, just yanking your chain :)
{@ErinHalfelven} i'm lucky if i gt six or seven hours a week to write and i'm retired
{theignorantidiot} YANK AWAY!!! You, by virtue of your web site, have EARNED THIS RIGHT!!!!!!!!
* ScottRamsey knew he should have worn the collar with the fur lining ....
{@ErinHalfelven} i did put in two 12 hour days this week on the website :)
{theignorantidiot} Actually, it's a soft fur collar.
{@ErinHalfelven} who was asking about wanda? she did post a part of a chapter to KGI today
{theignorantidiot} What is KGI?
{@ErinHalfelven} kelly girl incognito
{theignorantidiot} The new revised, totally new or old series?
{@ErinHalfelven} new
{Christy_Lake} I read the whole thing the first time it was posted and am dolorously waiting fotr the tale to be continued
{Christy_Lake} will try to get back to it on Top Shelf then
{Bodymaker} Erin BC used to had by Athor
{@ErinHalfelven} well she posted the first chapter of kgi about a year ago, i've seen the second chapter but it hasn't been posted, this would be a chapter from the middle
{@ErinHalfelven} bodymaker, at topshelf, if you log in you can turn on the by author listing
{Bodymaker} Thax
{@ErinHalfelven} just go to |my account|
{@ErinHalfelven} bob and i have been doing some testing of the software to see why it's so slow
{@ErinHalfelven} mostly it's because we have over 2000 stories
{@ErinHalfelven} FM has over 10000
{ScottRamsey} Over 12000 in fact
{Christy_Lake} That was the reason Ava originally mirrored Crystal's, the Search was on her server and the rest was on piper's
{@ErinHalfelven} yeah and fm grows faster than ts, so they will always have more
{@ErinHalfelven} yeah, bob and i are looking at doing something similar with bcts
* Dru has joined #Main_Room
{Dru} [Joins the Chat Room]
{@ErinHalfelven} wb dru
{ScottRamsey} wb Dru
{Christy_Lake} wb dru, that was a fast party
{Dru} I'm Back - but not for long just waiting to leave
{Bodymaker} that was a quick party
{@ErinHalfelven} topshelf gets about 2500 visitors a day with 500 or so to the other bc sites
{@ErinHalfelven} fm gets ten or twenty times aas much traffic
{Dru} Why do you think that is?
{Dru} The search engine on FM is poor and there is a lot of forced fem - yuck
{@ErinHalfelven} fm was first and has been around longest, pluss BC wasn't updated for two years once
{theignorantidiot} But I think you have better story quality!!!!!!!!!!!!!
{rachel} god knows. the FM site doesn't appeal to me at all
{@ErinHalfelven} also, BC has found a niche for the non-pure stroke story, and stardust is refining that niche by going for a slightly narrower slice
{@ErinHalfelven} all the sites are different
{@ErinHalfelven} and that's good
{theignorantidiot} TS is proababily the most writer friendly site too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
{rachel} you can refine niches too far. eventually it becomes balkanisation
{@ErinHalfelven} sapphire's is cut to her preferences beause it is pretty much by invite
{rachel} i like the community feel of bcts
* Zip has joined #Main_Room
{Zip} [Joins the Chat Room]
{@ErinHalfelven} yeah, i've tried to foster community
{@ErinHalfelven} hi zip
{Dru} Hi Zip
{Zip} Hi all
{Itinerant} Hi Zip
{ScottRamsey} I like BC best but FM will always have a place in my heart since it was the first site I found
{@ErinHalfelven} i dont allow political discussions like on crystals and fm hyperboards
{Zip} First time here
{ScottRamsey} Welcome Zip
{@ErinHalfelven} welcome zip
{Itinerant} There are some very good authors on FM, but they're hard to find.
{Dru} Then welcome to what ever this is
{Bodymaker} Welcome Zip
{Zip} I would love to be able to download quickly from FM... But...
{theignorantidiot} Welcome to the asylum ZIP!!!! Don't worry, you too will soon be as wacked as everyone else!
{@ErinHalfelven} mostly i read stuff at bc, stardust when bob gets a story first :) and sapphires for a few of the series there
{Zip} Too late for that
{Dru} You'll do just fine
{Zip} LOL
{@ErinHalfelven} but i no longer read everything at bc
{Itinerant} I found Sapphire's before I found BC.
{@ErinHalfelven} i don't even read the majority of stuff there
{ScottRamsey} I mainly check Sapphire to see if SOMEONE has posted a new part to Amazon ....
* ScottRamsey taps foot
{theignorantidiot} Things CAN be found at FM, if you know how to look!! (I think!)
{Dru} Sapphire was good until the posting frequency dropped off - I know we've discussed this before, but couldn't help myself
{Zip} For me it was FM then Sapphire, the Story site, then BC
{Itinerant} Scott: It took from July to November for Ma'at chapter 3 to get posted.
{@ErinHalfelven} sapphire's is the oldest pure tg, though nifty and asstg were around before sapphires and some bulletin board thing that mindy spun Fm off from
{Dru} That's a long time
{rachel} think i found my way here from the tuckerspawn forum
{@ErinHalfelven} :)
{Zip} Ah yes the old BB's
{Dru} At least we're all here now!
{@ErinHalfelven} t-spawn seems to have gotten quiet lately
{Itinerant} At least it isn't dial-up anymore...
{Bodymaker} Maddy site is good too
{Christy_Lake} knock on wood
{theignorantidiot} Niffty and asstg are rarely updated I find.
{Zip} Dial up was a pain
{Dru} Me go now - time to PARTY!!!!!
{ScottRamsey} Itenerant: I can imagine - I toyed with the idea of submitting Genomorph there but I figured by the time it got posted pretty much everyone would have read it somewhere else
{@ErinHalfelven} byeee
* Dru Quit (Leaving: Leaving the chat room.)
{Zip} Bye dru
{@ErinHalfelven} i'm going to have to leave too, 90 minute drive to the party
{theignorantidiot} The Tspawn quite period happens every now and then due to lack of new disscussion content.
{Zip} Party?? A Party?
{ScottRamsey} Have fun Erin!
{Itinerant} Enjoy yourself, Erin!
{theignorantidiot} TATA EEIN!!
{@ErinHalfelven} i'm hoping for a new tuck this weekend
{Zip} Have Fun
{theignorantidiot} SO, are we ALL!!!!!!!!!!!
{Zip} Amen
{@ErinHalfelven} ellen is unique
{Zip} So is Tuck
{rachel} well for me, bcts seems to be nicely broad as to what sort of fiction is appropriate. i mean, in my stuff the tg content is sometimes kind of incidental to the point, not *the* point :-)
{theignorantidiot} And demented. But THE ABSOLUTE BEST TG AUTHOR Writing!!!!!!!!!!!
{ScottRamsey} I fear I am a Philistine when it comes to Tuck...
{theignorantidiot} How so?
{Zip} Do you have a sore forehead?
{ScottRamsey} Yes and a big lump
{Zip} LOL
{@ErinHalfelven} wanda has a story, very tuck like, she wrote in long hand back in the 70s, it's called sixteen the hard way, no hope of getting her to type it in, claims she can't even read the handwriting anymore :)
{theignorantidiot} Took a while zip, but I got the jest!!
{Zip} some people are slower than others
{Itinerant} Scott is an author of great stature in this field ...
{Zip} Geesh! How tall is he?
{theignorantidiot} Erin, if she has any copy get her to try to submit. It sounds interesting!!
{@ErinHalfelven} yeah rachel, my aim is to be the big nicer tent while fm is the big raunchy tent :)
{ScottRamsey} I really am kinda short
{Zip} But not short on the prose!
{theignorantidiot} Gotta go, work tonight. THANX ALL!!!!
* theignorantidiotQuit (Leaving: Leaving the chat room.)
{@ErinHalfelven} bye tii
{Zip} Bye
{ScottRamsey} zzzzzzz
* Itinerant is now known as Nicole
* Nicole pokes Scott
{Zip} I feel kinda poorly... I just sit and read what everyone else has written, but don't post any of my own work!
{@ErinHalfelven} well post!
{Zip} Frais!
{Nicole} Zip: We're very gentle with newbies.
{Zip} Fraid even
{Zip} Most of my stuff is a combo of TG and BDSM
{@ErinHalfelven} ah
{adonna} tell me more ;)
{Zip} But not S&M
{adonna} well the b part, i'm not much on the dsm stuff
{rachel} mmm
{Zip} Yes Rachel?
* rachel kinda likes the b part :-)
{Nicole} G'Night all.
* Disconnected
Session Close: Sat Dec 09 19:05:15 2006