A Superhero Challange

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Others have commented about the recent trend of transgenderizing comic heroes, but one very obvious candidate has been overlooked. I just introduced my five year old grandson to the Amazing Captain Underpants. The Captain was received with vociferous giggles and typical five year old scatological references.

However,the Captain's tighty-whities struck a wrong note in my crossdressing soul. Anybody want to take up the challenge of a female version of Captain Underpants? With panties and a training bra the female Captain would have twice the Wedgie Power of the male version!


Oh My

It's the Amazing Story of Captain Underpants! One of the drive time radio programs in San Diego talked about that book for weeks, when one of the women on the show had a child potty training.

I cannot Imagine a female version. The thought reduces me to hysterical laughter. I would LOVE to see it but can't imagine writing it myself.

So... You have another vote for someone to write it!

Falling on the floor hysterically laughing...
