Miracles do happen!

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Either that or international pressure does work - Sometimes. What am I on about? Malawi has pardoned the gay couple who wanted to get engaged. Either way, the two young men are to be released, so I'm glad for them. See the link below.



I'm gobsmacked too!

This is rather astonishing, and I am quite thankful for the mercy given them by their leader. My own small experience with Africa, is that they are either very conservative christians, Muslim, or Pagan. Muslims would certainly kill them, and probably the Christians too. Of course, in my opinion, two gay guys could live pretty much on the down low.

At any rate, I think they are still in a lot of danger.

Much Peace

Khadijah Gwen

Same sex in Africa


I went on holiday with my partner to Africa the other week. We are both the same gender. Homosexuality is illegal in that country, so we were just careful and had no issues.



You're right there

Africa is incredibly conservative. I live in South Africa (supposedly an enlightened beacon in the midst of the madness that is Africa) and we still have so-called "Muthi-murders" ("Muthi" is traditional medicine or magic). Aside from that 80% of the country are highly conservative Christian (worse than most in the bible belt (even amongst supposedly mild Anglicans(Episcopalians for the Americans))) and a man accused of "correctively raping" a lesbian was released on bail earlier this weak.

Trans, not gay.

Please don't call Tiwonge Chimbalanga a man. If we can't refer to her correctly around here, how can we expect the rest of the world to?

Excellent point!

I believe that you're right, much is the pity.

Happy to know you. Belle