I've only now learned of the departure of Margaret Jeanette, a prolific writer whose work appears on FM. I have, on occassion been entertained by her work and am saddened that our small community has become somewhat smaller, and dimmer.
She passed on Feb. 4th and requested that her body be buried with a smile, and that laughter permiate the celebration of her life. I urge those who might be interested to read the details at the beginning of her last story.
Lil Kelly
The loss of one of us is a loss to all of us.
I can't say I was a fan of Margaret's stories, or of her style of writing, but obviously she had a fan base, and a family and friends.
More importantly, she was one of us, and her loss lessens all of us. We are a relatively rare breed... those of us who were born one way, but long to be the other... and who write about it, for whatever reasons. She will be missed.
My most sincere condolences to her family, friends, and fans.
R.I.P. Margaret Jeanette.
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
The loss of any family member,virtual or otherwise,is a sad loss.
May she rest in peace.
The loss of any family member,virtual or otherwise,is a sad loss.
May she rest in peace.