200 votes!

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for Football Girl 23!

I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to vote and/or comment on my little story.

I love the story and it is very close to my heart.

For those interested Football Girl 31 is with Gabi for her to slash about with her red pen.

Sometimes I dread getting emails from my trusty editor!



Dread Naught


I have found that writing, quality writing that is, results only from a collaborative effort between the author, who creates, and the editor who hones and refines. Each has a role in the creative process. It is like a dance. While the author is always the lead, he or she is at a loss without a partner to compliment and complete the piece.

So fear naught the red pen. It is not a slash, but a kiss from one who loves the story as much as you.

Nancy Cole


~ ~ ~

"You may be what you resolve to be."

T.J. Jackson

Nicely Put Nancy

My mother would return my letters from college to me -- corrected in red. She was an English teacher for fifty-seven years.

I love to edit because it allows me access to another person's mind on an extremely intimate level. When the colloboration works it's a joy. In order for it to work for me the author must have a firm hand on the tiller and accept only that part of what I offer that suits her needs.

Two hundred votes -- Wow. I've never received so much as a hundred votes on any of my stories. I've said it before -- for the number of hits this story receives, you should be getting at least a thousand votes. I give you my three votes every time.

That Ferris is so ironic.

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

How 3


Okay, enlighten me, how do you vote three times?




Each author's vote is worth two.

When I see a story I particularly like I vote for it while registered as a user. Later I will come back as a "guest" and vote for it again.

Since I have enough ego for any two people this seems perfectly ethical. In fact, my ego would sustain double digit voting - like I did for Obama.

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Should not admit to felonies on line :-)


Dear Angela

Triple voting at BCTS may be fine and ethical, but you should not admit to felonies on line :-). Voting more then once in an election, is a no no, unless you are a corpse from either Boston or Chicago ;-).
And as someone who did not vote for Obama, I won't hold it against you :-). Again thanks for the explanation.



We can adopt the motto here for voting from Chicago...

Andrea Lena's picture

...vote early and vote often!

She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Possa Dio riccamente vi benedica, tutto il mio amore, Andrea


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena


Here I was thinking we were getting more votes from more readers being here, and
now I find out it was Angela all along! LOL. Keep up the good work, Jill.

Actually, I was wondering how long it would be before we will get to see stories
with five hundred or a thousand votes. The actual number does not matter, but it
would be interesting to ponder what would happen if more people without any 'special'
interest, were to find out about some of the really good stuff that's written here.
One has to wonder if, with so many readers, there might ever be a critical point.

It's a great milestone for Sue, though. Imagine it. Two hundred votes in so short
a time. Really amazing, but not surprising at all that, she would earn then so handily.
She's always been a favorite of mine. Inevitable, I'd say.

Sarah Lynn

Only 200


Only 200 votes?! Your story deserves many thousands!!!!
But getting the recognition you deserve is great.