Care and feeding of writers and critics

Another writer has left the fold. Why does this happen here every so often? Look around. This site has got to be the kindest and gentlest of writing sites. It is more of a community than any other. Of course that is the reason that it happens here; people’s emotions get spread to everyone. I mean, leave FM in a huff and who would notice? Other sites seem to be very much about one person. (Yea again, Erin. How do you make all of us feel so welcome and a part of this?)

Another part must be the type of writing we do here. Many, many of the writers here are probing their own pains through their writing. (I have spent much of this month pacing, rather then writing, trying to be a teased ten-year-old again.) Many others are exploring their longings, which is much the same thing. It makes us a prickly bunch. I doubt that writers on sci-fi and other genera sites are as invested or as exposed as we make out selves.

Does this mean that no one may ever make a negative comment? I don’t think so. It means we must remember that all of us; all of us in the world, not just the TG Community or any other subset; are born of pain. All we do is a reflection of our pasts. When some one says they wish our story was different, it is a reflection of their hopes and is valid as that, not an insult to our own. It is an honor when our creations cause others to show a part of them selves.

Every time we post we jump into a dark pool head first and hope we land in a sunlit bay, but if there is a reef or sand bar near by it really makes for better swimming. Twice I have asked people for their reactions to my story and neither time did I hear back from them. That, honestly, hurts more than anything they could have said, but it is fair; commenting once did not obligate them to do so to every story. (It makes me scared to ever respond directly to people again though.) I had one reaction saying that I shouldn't’t write until I have a plot (It was by email and so probably from FM.), I wish that had been public; I sent him (I assume it was a him, all consonants and numbers in the address) a smiley face and a reading list and haven’t heard from him again.

I apologize, I don’t really feel my self wise enough to be this didactic, but I wanted to say these things somewhere. Also, you now see why I post seldom, and then always at the end of threads. This is the rambling stuff I turn out if I don’t spend two or three days internally editing.

What IS so funny about peace, love and understanding?

Bye Kristina, hope you won’t be gone long.

Love and Hugs to All,

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