Today's edition of "You couldn't make this up"...

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Hiya, massive blog post I know, but it's good to share...

Now, I returned to work yesterday (no fanfare required). So far, so good, you think. Well, I was asked to do a return to work interview with our health and safety manager, which is where things started to go wrong. Here is me naively thinking that I just relay all that happened to me over the last two weeks and get a bit of consideration until this course of painkillers is over. Well, you would be dead wrong. He decided, quite unilaterally, to demand proof from my doctor that I can perform specific duties and pending the outcome, I am on very restricted duties. He is concerned that I could pose a danger to myself and others by being at risk of passing out. Huh? It only happened once, when I was asleep. I am perfectly capable of recognising the early warning signs of hypoglycaemia when awake, my consultant, doctor and diabetes specialist nurse are all happy with this, so why aren’t my employers.

So, anyhow, off I toddled to see my doctors, thinking he would just knock out a simple scribble and that would be the end of it. How wrong was I! I showed him the letter detailing what my employers require to know and he firstly gurned and then started a diatribe on how employers are trying to make doctors culpable if things go wrong. Anyhow, he said it will take him a week to do this letter and that my employers would have to pay. I asked if I could pay to expedite matters and he indicated that I could not and legally, my employers would have to pay. Further to aggravate matters, he signed me off for another week, with the comment on the MED3 form saying my absence from work would be due to “waiting for completion of doctors letter”. Great. So I am supposed to not attend work while he writes this letter. I asked him informally as to what he would put in such a letter and he indicated that he would find me fit to perform such duties. Marvellous. I did tell him that I could not afford to lose another weeks wages, but he said that I would have to stay off and work should pay me, as this was in effect a medical suspension.

I returned to work somewhat irate and arranged to see the company chairman immediately, as I have his mobile number and his schedule, this was easily achieved. I relayed this sorry tale from inception to date with him and he said as long as the doctor said that I was fit verbally, he is quit happy to let me return to work whilst we wait for the letter, as we have satisfied the legal forms on this and are just awaiting written confirmation. I had him inform our Health and Safety man the good news for the avoidance of doubt on this issue, so after much wrangling, I am back at work. My back still hurts a lot, but at least I am earning again. Thank the Lord / Goddess / Praise be to Allah / may Buddha have mercy (delete as applicable).

A thought did occur to me. Does this country’s medical and safety profession really want people to work, as they seem to be going out of their way to prevent this and I could quite easily have taken the easy road out and stayed at home, which I probably would have done if I did not have a holiday coming up soon. Whatever happened to wanting to get people of government incapacity benefit and into jobs, when they seem to be preventing people who want to work from doing so.

Rant over I think. I am now tired and have about as much chance of gathering some enthusiasm as a disabled African homosexual has of getting Goebbel’s autograph. (Sorry, not a nice reference I know, but that's the mood I’m in — bolshy, upset and not giving a monkeys). On a positive note, I had a lovely chat last night over IM with the leader of the Transgender group I sometimes attend. Still not sure as to how I am going to get there, but it was a nice chat all the same and perked me up some. Thank you.

Okay, going now, before I find some group I have not upset yet. And people wonder why I have not written anything for a while, but when I appear to be living in a Carry On movie, I can't seem to get much done. You take care and be happy — wishing you all the best — Jay.

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