Melissa Dawne Northe, my Sister by choice has her auto biography A Tragedy Of The Spirit posted here, and her friend Melanie Dixon authorized my posting of the revised version.
We both wish that her friends would either leave a PM with me. or Melanie, or post a comment telling how her story affected you. I will then gather the comments and pm's to post a sequel Triumph Over Tragedy. Please respond, because although her stay here was all to brief, like a candle in the wind, her life ended all too soon.
Yes, I love her as a Sister, and she accepted meas her brother. I do this to honor her,
I Miss Her So Much!
I miss her so much and I think of her often. There is a song that I hear every once in a while and I think of her. "Go Rest High On That Mountain" by Vince Gill. I sometimes think what if? when I remember the plans we had for writing new stories together. I am thankful that she blessed my life even for a short time. The world is just not the same without Mellissa Dawne Northe. Stan, You amd Melanie will always be like a brother and sister to me. We will always hold a special place in our hearts for our sister Mellissa.