Good evening Big Closet. I have now been informed of the funeral for Mellissa Dawn Northe. The date will be friday June 20th at 2:45. Her service will be private and with a few close to her that have confrrmed that they will attend. On a personal note. I am very overwrot with emotion here and I am hopeful that my few typo's are forgiven. I have never had to do this before. A new experience for me as those might say. I a begining to feel her tremendous loss and the work that must still be done here to complete all the tasks at hand. I am grateful that Mellissa was very organized. I will say goodbye for now and hope to be more awake and more coherant in a few days. God Bless everyone for there support.
Melanie Dixon
i also feel a great sadness for her loss.
I have felt so sad and such a loss for Melissa. I can hardly bare this. I cant imagnhow you feel Melanie. I am so sad and i am sorry for your loss of your friend.
Take Care Melanie My Friend
We have all lost somebody very special in Melissa. I wish that I could have met her in person.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Thank you Melanie
There is so much to say, but words fail me. I have so much respect for Mellissa, and I will treasure the conversations we had about her life, writing & etc. Thank you for continuing to support her.
He conquers who endures. ~ Persius
To be at peace finally...
I pray that the ceremony goes well. The people gathered there together are the ones who truly loved her. May they talk about the good things in her life and not the sad parts.
We are given choices each day on how we are to live and love our lives. We pray that we choose the best path possible through the maze of life. I know that Mellissa has made some wonderful friends along the way. Plus she will be seing a close one who left earlier. May her spirit finally blossom into fulness in heaven, unrestrained by the chains here on this planet.
We all struggle with life. May we learn from Mellissa that anything is possible when we put our mind to it.
We will miss you Mellissa. Take care until we all meet again later in the new life.