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May we never forget this day and all the loved ones who lost their lives. I will always remember where I was that day. I was out on the floor working in a factory that made home interior products. My boss came out and told us what was happening. We knew that the world would never be the same ever again. It is hard to believe it has been eight years. It seems like it happened yesterday.
[Moderator Edit Note]: Sephrena I have turned comments off because this just crossed the line of civil commenting. But this topic is worth viewing, so it will remain viewable.
I thank God for the brave men and women of the NYPD and the NYFD who sacrificed so that others might live. And all the other folk who might not have worn a uniform, yet acted bravely and courageously with no thought to their own safety. God bless them and their families. And I thank God for all the men and women around the world that serve in every branch of our Armed Forces. May God protect and keep them all.
Love, Andrea Lena
Remain Vigilant
Not only must we never forget what happened that terrible day, but we must remain vigilant and on guard so that it never happens again. It is among the few days I will always remember where I was.
G-d Bless and protect the USA.
It's the 12th... now. 8am in New York and 11pm in Sydney I was watching the late news as they flashed to a seeming accident at the World Trade Centre. I sat and watched for the next few hours shedding tears along the way and finally stumbled off to bed in the wee small wondering where the world would go from here.
I found it interesting to hear yesterday the story of an undercover FBI agent. Of apparent Arabic background he was onto the group in question, yet a call was made and the decision was to follow other leads. Ah hindsight, a simple logical choice and how many things change.
I hope we don't forget, I also hope we learn.
Me, When That Happened,
I knew that America would awaken from its slumber as it did at Pearl Harbor. But THIS time, the giant will not let itself be put to sleep again.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Also remember
April 19th, 1995 - the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. New York City sent some of their finest men to us to help in the aftermath. Some of those men were later to perish in the World Trade Center. We owe a debt of gratitude to NYC that can never be paid in cash, only in deeds.
God Bless one and all.
They know they can survive
I Never Intended For This To Turn Into A Diatribe
I never intended for this post to become a diatribe on who did or didn't do something. The facts remain that over 3000 people lost their lives that day. It was meant to be a remembrance for those who lost their lives. People will disagree about policy but the victims deserve to be honored.
[Edited by Sephrena]
I don't believe that W set up the attacks but, on the other hand, it seems like there was sufficient intelligence for him to have acted to prevent it. I am also suspect of the Pentagon crash as I've never seen a photo of the tail of a plane coming out of the building.
I think in the aftermath, W and Cheney were so itching for a war----with anyone--- that this provided the impetetus. It was ill advised, extremely costly in both lives and money and meant next to nothing. It is also good to keep the populace frightened, Read "1984", Orwell.
They will re-elect you if they are afraid of something...anything
We are now involved in a debate about healthcare. That is a thoroughly necessary government concern. Had we avoided these two unnecessary wars, healthcare costs would barely be an issue.
W was a frat boy, controlled by Cheney for most of his 8 years and never grew into the job. He never led a successful venture and, as governor of Texas, he occupied a mostly ceremonial job. Too bad he didn't as President...wait...I guess he did.
Enough. Let the conservative vitriol come down on me.
I'm a veteran and served during the Viet Nam era although, through only luck, avoided combat service, for which I am grateful. I never believed in the war and my parents once told my brother and I that, if we had low draft numbers, they would find a way for us to go to Canada. Contrary to their belief, I obtained an NROTC scholarship to a school I could never have afforded; spent four years at sea with the final year on Diego Garcia. Any D.G. veterans on this site, please contact me. That would be interesting.
Tell me what you will, W was a poor leader and these two wars are unnecessary and wasteful. We could better spend it on providing healthcare fot the nation.
No, No, please no.
That is not what this should be about! It is worthless speculation, and only service to be decisive. I disagree with many of the acts that these attacks were used to excuse, but that means nothing to what we should do on 9/11.
I didn't know anyone in the Trade Center that day, two years earlier I would have. I knew no one in the Pentagon that day, which was pure luck because at that time I was acquainted with several people that worked there, and I do know someone who was driving to National and saw the plane hit. That night I hugged him.
Then it was not something political. It was about people who lost their lives to people that were full of hate, to acts motivated by hate. Not religion, not jingoism, hate. And already we have people attacking a Remembrance Group, defacing their web site, because that group invited a prominent world leader to speak at their gathering. Don't use this to create more hate. Please.
Thousands of people died only because of hate. Millions and millions of lives changed only because of hate. It is those people, and that inexcusable reasoning that must be kept in mind. It is a day that should be remembered to frighten us with the power of unreasoned hate.
I heard that!
Thank you, voice of reason (aka Jan S.)
~~~hugs, Laika
What borders on stupidity?
Canada and Mexico.
Yes exactly
My comment on hindsight was not meant as a dig, just an observation that things may have gone differently had different decisions been made. Choices, priorities, humans err. What is... is. Another thing I heard... hundreds of people presumed to have died that day, yet what remains they have cannot be identified; so there will be a closed off walled room/shrine/memorial. Political bickering serves them not at all or the ones that are known for sure. Hate serves no one, but can increase the likelihood of such things happening again. Don't hate, try to understand and learn from it. There's that old thing about 'doomed to repeat'... please no.