I'm trashed

...regrettably. Especially regrettably since I have emptied the buffers of both "State" and Daughters".

I'm working on what will be the last part of the current arc of "State"*, and I might be able to post that by the week-end. "Daughters" is mostly complete in my head, but given my physical/mental condition that will have to wait.

Briefly, I'm afflicted by a kind of intermittent narcolepsy at the moment. I just want to be asleep all the time. No, I do not feel tired, just sleepy. It means that I'm reluctant to lay down any story text because I know it will likely suck and I'll have to rewrite it.

Fortunately, this isn't a 24/7 thing so there are times when I'm (allegedly) lucid, and I'll try and look in to BCTS when I'm in that state. Judging by previous episodes, this shouldn't last too long and then I'll be back to normal/struck down with something else that won't leave me mentally impaired.

What I was actually diagnosed with, two years ago, was Fibromyalgia, although the symptoms I have only very roughly overlap those of that disease. Still, it's about as accurate a label as anything else. I will tell all in a future blog if I remember.

Thanking you all for your patience,


* There's plenty more to write about Marion. Shepherd training, B Deck, and parties with the other Shepherds amongst other things.

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