Hi all I am starting my RLT,
I am starting my Real Life Test and am wondering if anyone has paper work or an example of what the letter is your Therapist and Transition Doctor provide you. I am in need of something and want to get it before something happens.
Thanks in advance.
If you are starting RLT and
If you are starting RLT and need documentation for proof of identification for legal paperwork changes, you need to get this from a doctor/psychiatrist. It will be checked for authenticity, if you were considering creating something yourself. In some cases, it has to be certified. But format is not standard and may simply be an introduction letter with contact information for the doctor you are seeing, so they can be reached for verification.
Some links for info:
Good for you, Kendra!
I'm going to assume that you are on HRT and seeing a therapist and an endocrinologist. If you are self medicating, STOP. immediately, and see a professional!!!
As for the "letter" You can check my blog for the one I carry, from my therapist. It's pretty standard, but it NOT a "get out of jail free" letter. It states who I am, what I'm doing, why I'm doing it, and so forth. It does state that I should be allowed to use "gender specific facilities," but I don't think that's legally binding.
I wish you nothing but the very best in your transition, and I hope yours goes as smoothly as mine has.
Many, many hugs 'n lotsa love,
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
I'm sorry hon.
I thought I had posted my "carry letter" here. I didn't. I will paraphrase it in this entry.
{{{The above named veteran is being treated for male to female transexualism through the (blank) V.A. Medical Center. Treatment includes endocrinology for hormone treatments and behavioral health for the emotional challenges that are common to those who deal with Transexualism. Currently The above named Veteran is taking part in a year long life trial, commonly known as a Real Life Test, that is required by the Benjamin Standards, prior to exploring a permanent surgical change to female.
A life trial includes dressing and living in virtually every way as if the individual has already had the gender reassignment surgery. This includes such things as using gender specific facilities an being addressed by a chosen female name. For all intents and purposes, the above named should be treated as a female.}}}
The letter is signed by my therapist and includes her title and affiliation with the VA Medical system.
This is just an example, and should not be used verbatim, but rather as a guideline for your letter. Your therapist should already be familiar with this sort of thing and will phrase things in his or her own way, I'm certain.
Again, the very best of luck with your test and transition.
Hugs 'n love,
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
Congratulations Kendra, and best of luck!
"Fun-loving geek-chick looking for someone who doesn't give a damn about her past"
"Fun-loving geek-chick who's addicted to sunlight!"
My letter
I long ago lost my letter.
It basically was on letterhead of the 'institute' where I was being 'treated' It mentioned me by name (I'd already changed it) and said that I had been undergoing treatment for gender identity disorder or "transsexualism" for X years (don't recall). It said that I was in my RLT and my cross living was not to hide a crime or a disguise to commit a crime. It also said that I was legally allowed to present as a woman and should be given all the rights of a woman.
Then it had a BUNCH of phone #s, Faxes, emails for the clinic, the doctor, the medical central authority, etc... all of which would verify the authenticity of the letter and my intent.
Now having said that... only my TS friends and my mother ever saw that letter. I lost it one day after the institute closed and my purse was stolen.
Funny story. My mother and I would go to public pools and we would change together in the ladies. Mom was always tense about someone 'detecting' me. One day after her hernia operation... she went alone and was putting on her swimsuit and her bulge was showing. This old biddy started screaming "a man! a man!!!" and mom had to show her id to the manager and the old woman.
I laugh to this day... I was never "found out" while my mother WAS!!!
I'm afraid I can't help you
I'm afraid I can't help you there. I can't remember for sure, but I think I was going to get one when I was originally planning things out, but I completely forgot about it. Probably because I went full time well before I'd planned to, because I was having more trouble passing as a guy than as a girl. Which was very cool, but a little scary when using public bathrooms.
Good luck, and congrats!
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Couldn't make it as a guy either
Looking back, it is now comical how long I tried to be a guy while some others thought I was either gay or as one guy said, I always thought you were a woman trying to make it in construction. Some of my old work mates were not surprised when I transitioned. There's a lot more to "Construction Diva" than some think. My Birth name, slender build, high voice, and walkin' like I had a corn cob up there ... well, nuff said. :)