Okay, for those of you who are waiting for an update on my situation, here we go:
1) We got the money needed. Half of it came from your wonderfully generous donations, half from my MIL (which humiliated my wife, but we will pay the MIL back with the tax refund). Bills are now paid, electricity in our name, PODS paid and so on.
2) Yesterday was closing on the apartment and moving out of the place with our "friend". It took only two trips to get everything we had with us, and that was with two massive pieces of furniture (futon frame, two pads and a desk). The PITA was the boxes. We had forty boxes with things in them, from floggers, to food, to computer crap, to books, to a PSP. Why? Who knows, but it all got moved.
3) We took possession of our apartment. We got the things we had with us moved in. IT's as set up as it is going to get for a while, the PODS (Portable On Demand Storage) is going to be delivered today after 2:30 PM. It means that I will be doing all the haulage into the house, and pulling mattresses, dressers, bedroom sets and so on upstairs by myself (my honey is 56 and has a plethora of problems, not the least of which is severe arthritis), but once that is done, hauling boxes in will be easy for me and the hand trucks. About five big strong men would be great right about now.
4) Internet is up, phone is working so my honey can work taking sex calls. I can do something to keep from being bored while waiting for the TV and the Cable to get here.
5) This weekend is when we go over to the house we lost to see if we can get the cat tree, the box springs and a couple other things that were abandoned there. Got the car, which is always good.
6) I think my Joy persona will have to take a backseat for a while. This is the projects and very conservative. Being Pagan and TS, and into BDSM, things will be "interesting" enough just being out in my own four walls. But at least once the hauling and putting is done, I'll have time to write.
7) We are going to have to give away a bunch of our stuff. The washing machine may fit, but there is no place for the dryer, and probably not for the freezer either. My desk is gone, and possibly my dresser too. There's going to be a lot of things gone.
8) Gonna have to put up curtains immediately and get my fridge in here. The complex would have provided one, but we had one that we took from our house. Need area rugs. It's all linoleum and I can't wear heals or my boots.
I have to tell you, heat pumps work. Man.... It was snowing this morning, 10 degrees, but we were all nearly naked last night in thin little blankets, with the heat pump on half, right on the border between heat and cool.
Anyhow, that's the update from here. TTYL