Note that this describes the death of a pet.
Concolor (Con for short; I didn't realize how many times I'd be doing Willian Shatner imminations when I named him) showed up on my front porch with his sister a bit less than half grown about nine years ago. This was shortly after I lost a cat, so both I and my remaining cat welcomed them. In the past year he developed hyperthyroid disease and in the past month fluid built up around a lung. He was on three medications and getting better. That is, he was gaining weight, was playful and affectionate and loved the Pill Pockets. Then yesterday morning, he didn't show when I fed the cats. I found him laying on the basement floor, awake but in respiratory distress.
I skipped breakfast and took him to the vet. Who was already dealing with a cat having trouble breathing and a dog which was choking. They told me to leave him. I got a call later that an X-ray showed a buildup of fluid around his lungs. They were going to give him O2 and drain the fluid.
Then came another call: When they administered the anesthetic he crashed and died. The vet did sample the fluid and said it was milky, indicative of a cancer - probably leukemia - somewhere. I actually suspected this, given his thyroid problems.
He went downhill so quickly (he seemed fine the night before) that I am sad he died, but not really surprised.
I still have his sister, Patches, and a younger cat, Nuisance. (She gets into everything.)
Hugs offered
Deepest condolences, and virtual hugs if you need them. Losing our furry companions is always absolutely heartbreaking.
May all Beings ...
May all Beings be healthy
May all Beings be happy
May all Beings be free of fear
May all Beings be free of pain
And may all Beings be Loved, in this World, and in the Next
It is so very hard when they have to leave us.
I've lost pets before; this helps
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
I am so so sorry..
All of us who have the joy of a feline or canine friend know that this time may well come, and nothing can take that pain away, but please hold on to the happy memories.
As Patricia said, they will be waiting at the rainbow bridge.
Huge hugs ( and love from our two cats too) Lucy xxx
"Lately it occurs to me..
what a long strange trip its been."
You have my deepest condolences. Having lost a much loved bunny a few years ago, I understand your pain. Love your other two cats like they are the last cats on the planet - they will be feeling it too.
Sorry to hear of your loss
it gets us all if we keep pets, but it's the price we pay for enjoying their company.
For many of us
For many of us, cats are our children and their loss goes deep.
Thinking of you. Sophie
In a lot of ways, the only
In a lot of ways, the only thing worse than losing a pet, is not having a pet.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
It is part of the bargain
They give us love and we give them a good life and hopefully an easy death. I hope it was a good life or both of you.