Beware of Old People and Kids

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One must love watching and talking to old people and or kids. Many have no disconnect on what they are thinking and what comes out of their mouth. To put the encounter into perspective I counsel those like myself. Too many take themselves too seriously and demand others don't make any errors in talking to or addressing them. Most little kids six or under seem to find me fascinating as they stare at me while holding their mother's hand or sitting in the shopping cart. Not my fault. Although I don't have her curves, I'm like Jessica Rabbit, I was designed this way.

To the basics of this tale. Knowing many of the employees in a lot of the stores in Elk City, I share jokes, off color comments about trans and other things. They won't say it I will as I encourage them to ask any questions they want. I do love Walmart as so many I've never met come into that store. On that particular day I met a man and later a woman, both who were staring, judging, and then smiled as I walked by them. My attire was black cowgirl hat, jeans, engraved leather belt with my name on the back, big silver belt buckle, and a black shell. I was wearing a sports bra. Most ladies understand they holds things down firmly, real firmly. I wasn't showing much on top. Sadly, just this past six months I no longer may wear heels or cowgirl boots. SNIFF!

The old man was around eighty or so coming down the produce isle. He was staring at me and then stopped in front of me studying me. "Are you a man or a lady?"

I thought I would die laughing. I gave him my biggest smile. "I'm whatever you want me to be."

"Yes ma'am." As he walked away.

"The name is Barbie if that helps."

He nodded in agreement.

Old people and kids, one has to love their unfiltered voices when they say what they are thinking. Most never say what is on their mind to be mean or vindictive. They are only expressing themselves. Most of the staff has accepted me, no holds barred. I've never used the ladies or men's room even though I was told it would be okay with everyone if I did, my choice.

Week after Halloween was over Walmart had all their Tins of Carmel popcorn and other questionable goodies on half price sale. The cluster of girls age twelve to seventeen was in the aisle next to me. The oldest was tapping a rhythm on one of those cans in their cart. I stepped over to her. "If you're going to beat on that thing, I want to hear you sing The Lion Sleeps Tonight."

Her eyes got pretty big before a hint of a smile touched her lips.

I was filling full of mischief by this time. "Okay, I'll start it. The high notes are yours."

She really smiled this time as she shook her head. "I'm mezzo-soprano not soprano."

Make each song your song when one sings. No one needs to imitate the artist who sang the song. I was impressed, she knew the song and knew her range. I would have loved to hear her sing. Alas I wasn't going to try as my voice had been all over the place with no control for the past month. My mother and I sang together anytime we got in the car and a lot of other times. Grew up singing around the cows, on the tractor, around the cats, dogs. Psalms 100:1 It never stopped as I grew older or when I married. I tried and tried to get Jean to sing with me even when it was only the two of us, she never did.

What I wish everyone could understand is the world doesn't revolve around us. I'm nothing more than what God designed me, nothing special. The smallest minority or not, I have no more rights than anyone else. What I do have is a one foot personal space around me. I don't want anyone I don't know to invade that space. Bad things that can't be undone 'may' happen if they do. Hugs are given to those I know and those in need, my choice.

Give everyone a chance to accept us or reject us as their choice. Don't infringe on their lives any more than one would want them infringing on ours.


For Leeanna

BarbieLee's picture

I wrote this a week ago and questioned if I should post it. After reading your blog and the hesitation and fears you face when Leeanna is out and about, yes, it needs to be said. Love, I can't be you, I hope I can share courage and determination with you and all the girls. I wish I could take you and so many others out window shopping, eating out, walking in the park, or any place you wish.
If you would, when you're out and about being the woman you have protected all her life, think of me, the old cowgirl, there beside you. Maybe it's because I am a Hinze 57 Mongrel, my bloodline goes back to the Pioneer Woman, to the Native Indians, to the first settlers of this continent, mixed in almost every nationality before it got to me. My courage comes from my parents, their parents, and their parents and...,
My wish is for you and all the boys and girls to find your place in life, comfort, and happiness. Whether one must go all the way to become who their mind says they are or if wearing the clothes full fills that drive. Find that place in life where one can accept whatever they seek.
Hugs Leeanna
Life will never be perfect until one accepts themself. It's not the world one needs to find acceptance from.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl