I shall be posting another Joiner's chapter shortly and probably another Drew Goes South, tomorrow. However, my university course is getting ever more demanding and I'm possibly going to have even less time than I do now, I'll have overlapping modules for a few months, the new one is the one that requires the equivalent of a dissertation, though I'm hoping the fieldwork I'll need to do for that will be fun.
Anyway, please take this as notice that my posting may be more erratic than usual.

Studies first - I can wait
Also, take care of yourself.
school time
you have to come first. we will read and enjoy whatever you have time to give, when you can take the time.
Does that involve the mating habits of Dormice by any chance?
Even if it doesn't I hope it all goes well.
It will involve dormice and other mammals, but the stuff I'll be doing for my degree is probably going to be freshwater invertebrates - if I'm not watching birds or mammals or insects, I enjoy wading about in ponds, rivers and streams seeing what lives there and why.
As someone who, I suspect is
As someone who, I suspect is of a not too dissimilar age, I take off my hat to you taking on a university course.
Well done.