I wish you all a peaceful, prosperous and healthy 2022. The fact that all of these can be magically achieved by reading stories here and commenting on them (especially my ones, natch).
May we finally emerge from the spectre of Covid in all its awful varieties and start to live again but also to be kind to each other.
Finally, a toast to absent friends, may we always remember those who are no longer with us.
Angharad, Bonzi and Whizz.
May Your Days Be Peaceful and Pleasant.
Same to you Angharad.
Gwen Brown
COVID-19 Fears
I think that the COVID-19 trajectory is toward it becoming the new common cold, a nuisance which, like the common cold, rarely leads to serious consequences. 2022 will be a better year if that is true and if we accept its truth.
Between the wrinkles, the orthopedic shoes, and nine decades of gravity, it is really hard to be alluring. My icon, you ask? It is the last picture I allowed to escape the camera ... back before most BC authors were born.
Guessing that string of letters is a greeting in Welch! How to keep the paper and sign industry in business - invent a language that makes the shortest word into a consonant heavy tirade!
Anyhoo, hugs and best wishes to the Dorset 3!
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Showing your ignorance Maddy
W and Y are vowels in Welsh and dd is a single letter, so there are fewer letters than in English and certainly fewer than in German.
not ignorance
i can just spot silly for the sake of things. And I live in a house with a born again Welshy! I don't claim to be a linguist but i know whats important, araf sort of means slow and croeso i England is the way out. I can order beer in at least 20 languages, sadly not in Welch as i can't get my head around all the pointless welshism! Cwrw os gwelwch yn dda - seriously?
As an aside, Question: do you know why the birthrate is falling in Wales?
Answer: the ewes only understand English!
Don't take it to heart, just be thankful you escaped long ago to a land where the sun does actually shine dryly!
hwyl am nawr
Madeline Anafrid Bell
I'm in the vanguard
for the repossession of East Wales as it was before the Saxon oppression. Remember the Romano-British would have spoken a language (Brythonic) from which Welsh was derived. Gauling, in it?
We get Monmouth and Chepstow back? lol
Cue 'What did the Romans ever do for us?.....'
Personally i'm still upset about 1066, them damn Northmen coming here with their feudal ways, Edmund and Ragnar had the country nicely sorted back in the 700's, just what was wrong with the Danelaw? Old Offa had the natives nicely contained in them mountains too. We was doing nicely, everyone speaking English and then they come over with their Latin and stupid le de whatever names upsetting everyone and building them castles, I said to Harald Bluehair, I said they'll never catch on, all that digging and sawing and you can't even get all the Welsh in, sorry i meant sheep.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Rwy'n cael pissed off gyda'r bastardiaid Italo hynny o hanner cant B.C.
Must be a celtic thing
Who else can hold a grudge that long?
Thanks to GOOGLE translate ...
Diolch i GOOGLE translate, rydyn ni'n gwybod bod cyfieithu "Blwyddyn Newydd Dda" yn "Happy New Year."
Between the wrinkles, the orthopedic shoes, and nine decades of gravity, it is really hard to be alluring. My icon, you ask? It is the last picture I allowed to escape the camera ... back before most BC authors were born.
Da iawn
for your effort Sara.