About the German usage in Rough Waters: PB was under the impression that all the translations had been double-checked by a friend in Germany, who runs a German language TG story site. But apparently some fell through the cracks. For this I am sorry. I was made aware of that fact a week or so ago, and just today received the corrected German for RW 7. I will post it and some other corrections as soon as I have a chance, but my life got crazy today and will remain so for about 8-10 days, so it may take me awhile. I ask everybody's patience. I will try to get the correct version of Rough Waters Chapter 11 checked in time for the planned posting on Wednesday, but I'm not in a position to make any promises right now.
I want to thank MD for pointing this out to us last week in a PM to PB. Indeed, you were correct, and I planned on giving you public credit when I posted the corrections. So here is a public Thank You from PB and myself for the courteous manner in which you handled it.
Karen J.
thank you ...
.. for letting us know Karen.
I would offer to help too but will be in hospital in a week and need to focus on university as well.
Thanks for all the hard work you, PB and so many others put into this.
Friendship is like glass,
once broken it can be mented,
but there will always be a crack.