Author's Dilemma

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Happy Labor Day Weekend to the Yanks! And--well, Happy Sunday to those that aren't...!

I've had a great weekend and another great day planned for tomorrow. But, like many authors, I have a(n awesome) dilemma! There are so many really great stories that others are writing that vie for my time--I just want to dig in and read them all. Then, there is the pull of my own stories that are demanding my time to keep pecking away and fleshing them out and satisfying the needs of those that deem them worthy of reading.

To all of the authors out there--new or established--thanks for what you do. For us readers, your time and imagination are welcome escapes from our mundane realities. For fellow authors, hats off to your sacrifices of time and effort--and to your creativity and drive to put those ideas out there in the universe to help your readers and (hopefully) help fans funnel their internal wishes and dreams in ways that blow them away.

For those of you that have deemed my works worthy of reading over the years, I would say you should go visit a psychiatrist (just kidding--sort of)--but I do thank you! My writing is a huge outlet of my never-ending imagination and need to just 'get it out there'. Thank you!

For those of you that have pushed me to publish Amadeus Irina, well--I have news. I have submitted the first part to Erin for publishing on Doppler. I have also asked Dee Sylvan to edit/proof it (and she has said she would--Thank you!). I have added bits and pieces to round it out beyond what is on BC--and Dee has come up with some ideas for future expansion! If Erin finds it acceptable, then you can get the (somewhat) expanded and cleaned up version on Amazon in the future--otherwise, it will remain available on BC in its current form. ;) Either way, it's still my favorite story and labor of love!

So, before I get too mushy here (I know--too late!!)--Happy Labor Day!

HUGS! (And for the Dots out there--HUGGLES!)