We are the lucky ones.

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We are the lucky ones. You, me, all of us lucky few. Of all the people that could have been. Of all the people that ever were, We are the ones who hare here. We are the ones who are now. We are the ones who get to do the things, We are the ones with the opportunity to do the things that must be done. There is so much that must be done. I know. I know that it is not fair. I agree. I agree with you that it is not fair. But what alternative was there? We are here. There is no one else. It is up to us. I know that it is hard, I know that there is so much to do. I know that it seems like we can never get it all done. Still we know how to do it. We know what it takes. We know that the only way that it will get done is for us to do it. The only way that it will get done is if we do it every day. The way it gets done is one day at a time.

We are the lucky ones. There is no one else. It's you and it is me. We are the ones that must do it. We must do it. We must do it even though no one will know that it was us. We must do it even though there will be no accolades. there will be no recognition. We will do it be cause it must be done.

What is this about? I hear you. I hear you asking. I hear you saying "What is Crash writing about?" I hear you saying "Is Crash crazy again?" I hear you saying "Crash is crazy again." Why would I write this stuff? What does it mean? I'll answer your question. I'll answer your question, My answer is simple. You already know what the answer is, I'm telling you that the answer is so simple that you will not believe that it could be so simple. May answer to your question. My answer to your question to me. You want to know what is the answer. I'll tell you. It's so, so simple. It's such a simple answer.

We are the lucky ones. We are the ones that get to do the things that need to be done. We get to decide. We get to decide what are the things that must be done. I told you the answer was simple. It is so simple. We lucky few. We are the ones who get to decide what must be done. Then we must do it.

Peace, Love, Hope, and Grace.



Daphne Xu's picture

Yes. I could have been born as a chicken in a breeding factory, to be dissected at a young age.

I think of reincarnation, and if valid, how do I know I won't be reincarnated as one of those? Or how about as an insect only to be snatched up in the beak of a bird?

For most creatures, life is Hell on earth. Old Mother Nature is a witch with a capital B.

And suppose a different sperm had fertilized Mom's egg?

-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)

Reincarnated as a chicken?

BarbieLee's picture

Read too many past lives and absolutely no one ever reincarnated as other than human. If they had multiple past lives, they usually switched genders in one life trial but mainly stuck to either male or female for the majority of lives. One lady I read over six past lives stayed female all the way through. Not the norm though. One lady was deathly afraid of water. No water on the face except for a damp washcloth. Her past five lives she drown every single life cycle. There are more than five or six life cycles for many but I seldom go past that number as that usually takes an hour more or less and a pattern emerges by then.
Never charged anyone for a reading because I can't prove it. Can't take the pictures or movies I see out of my mind and show them. I could be as fake or crazy as a loony bird. As I got older it doesn't come nearly as easy or quick as it once did and I have mostly quit. It's up to each individual to believe or not and personally whatever anyone thinks, I could care less. Not my business and I love individualism. It is one of the things that make humans so unique among all God's creations.
Transgender may be one who returned and tried out the other gender when they haven't experienced it before. Getting comfortable in that mortal body might be more of an experience than they anticipated. It's only a far out guess and has nothing to do with reality or anything provable provided it is anywhere close to the truth.
Most humans like their comfort zone of facts, proven theories, and what their five senses can understand. Brought up in a world of spirits others could see and feel, I could only sense, my world was anything but "normal". Objects moved, disappeared, reappeared, lights turned on, off, tables floated in the air, noting malicious but still. Things happened to me which are impossible by other's concept of reality. Time and speed is not as finite as most believe. I find impossible is lack of faith as nothing is impossible.
Back to the basic is reincarnation possible? Believing is up to each individual. Kinda like being female or male. Most of the time if anyone is calling me anything besides Dirty Dog, it's ma'am or miss. I don't mind Mr or most anything else I am called. That's their choice and their comfort zone, I truly don't care. Just don't try and physically hurt me. That's an invasion of my tiny comfort zone.
Hugs Daphne, when you have life figured out, call me. I'd like to know the answer too.
Life is a gift, treasure it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Someone is printing up souls

crash's picture

Some say that in all likelyhood we live in a simulated universe. That if it is at all possible to fully simulate universes, then in all likelihood the universes we are in is not the real one.

There are some high energy physicists that have put forth the odd notion that there is really only one electron. That because of the oddness of the multi-worlds interpretation of quantum physics, the math leads them to conclude that all the electrons in the universe are all the same electron "traveling" back and forth in time and space.

There are lots of fantastic things in this world. In this universe. I know enough to know that I don't know even the half of it. And I do enjoy wondering about all the things that could exist.

But then we get the old saw from Sherlock Holmes: “What the deuce is it to me?” [...]; “you say that we go round the sun. If we went round the moon it would not make a pennyworth of difference to me or to my work.”

Peace, Love, Beauty, Grace.

Your friend

That Quote

Daphne Xu's picture

I hate that statement of Holmes. It's a major contempt for accuracy -- all the more egregious due to his profession as a consulting detective.

Before we had the applications, we had the discoveries by those investigating the world purely to find out about the world. Before we had Edison, Bell, and Hertz, we had Faraday, Gauss, Ampere, and others. And like those, these days, many scientists work toward a further understanding of the universe.

And that differs hugely from dissing the contemporaneous state of knowledge and understanding.

-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)

"Most humans like their

Daphne Xu's picture

"Most humans like their comfort zone of facts, proven theories, and what their five senses can understand."

I hope that one realizes that physics and chemistry are way outside that comfort zone. While ultimately, everything we use to find out about the world uses our five senses to detect and communicate the results, there's also a mind that thinks and makes connections.

I know that the vast majority of theories and claims of past lives and reincarnation involve being humans -- typically princes, princesses, or the like. That suggests to me that reincarnation is a fiction -- why limit it to humans, especially when there was a time that humans didn't exist?

-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)

Only in Fairy Tales

BarbieLee's picture

Of all the lives I read, not a single one was a prince or princess. They were shepherds, fishermen, servants, sailors, merchants, explorers, settlers, warriors. I read two different knights killed in different battles. (not exactly what the history books or movies show them as) One female warrior and several damn bloody battles. Very few strategies as usually it was throw masses of bodies against masses of bodies. I've seen things I'm not sure is the past or the future Not in our history books anyway. I never read any of Jesus' disciples but several of those who were there at that time in history.
Why no princess or prince? A truly very tiny percentage of the population. I wasn't paid so I had no ego's to massage making them think they were getting their money's worth. Personally I don't believe anyone who charges for a reading. If they truly can see past lives it's a gift which should be shared as one's time permits. The pictures or movies only began when I was touching them. If they aren't relaxed I can't get much only snapshots few and far inbetween. From a distance it was only vague feelings and I was usually wrong more than right.
I don't blame anyone for not believing and feel sorry for those who do and get conned. How would anyone know if they were being lied to if they can't see the past themselves? If it's all lies how could anyone get their money back on something that isn't tangible? My payment is seeing the past through other's lives. Seeing history, the cities, the villages, the everyday people and their lives. History is more wrong than right but I can't prove that either.
It's easier and safer to not believe the unexplainable things in one's life. Kinda like new ideas in the world and politics. The status quo works for the majority. Like believing in God. He-She is real but that's my personal experience. For most they must have a leap of faith and they get to chose whether to believe or not. For the majority it is easier to dismiss Him and this life here and now is all there is. No reward or punishment for whatever they do and society ends up with no brakes on a promised collision with destiny.
Hugs People
Life is a gift, not a right, treasure it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl