I've slowly been switching from Wimpdoze to Linux (specifically, Ubuntu 8.04, Hardy Heron). The longer I use it, the more I realize I did *exactly* the right thing. This began slightly before I finally put feet to the realization (which I'd known for years, but was scared to leave my comfort zone) that I am a member of the working poor and applied to a near by university to finish (after a 21 year hiatus) my bachelor's degree. I'm returning to get a degree in Computer Engineering. I intend to use this route to get a *real* job.
Meanwhile, I've ended up with a 17" widescreen monitor and a recycled OEM GeForce2 vid card. I can actually see without bars and clouds and dark spots rendering most of the display only semiusable!!
Well, enough bubbling over, for now. I guess nice things can, too, happen to ugly people :D
Y'all have fun
Hey D!
Good to see you, no matter what you're burbling on about. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
i have only a faint idea of what you're talking about
... but it sounds impressive. my brain would start to hurt at the first appearance of "bars and clouds and dark spots".
go you!
Hardy Heron
I agree Ubuntu Hardy Heron is the Bees Knees! Last year, I loaded Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon (7.10) on a machine I put together mostly from computer parts I had laying around, I was really impressed! The Adept Manager makes a big difference in usability. It even upgraded me to Hardy Heron when that was released. I have tried may other distributions of Linux over the years and Ubuntu is by far the best! Without the Adept Manager to load programs, Linux is too geeky for most computer users, me included! This morning when I booted up my computer, the Adept Manager found the latest version of Firefox and loaded that. All the software is free and many are superior to software available commercially.
Mr. Ram
Linux (Ubuntu) vs. Wimpdoze
Now, I must admit, I have a thorough and enduring love of Win2K Pro. It was clean, quick, bedrock stable and stone ax reliable. I was completely shocked when I realized all that. Then they had to go and downgrade us to XP. Now that SP3 is out, I almost like it, too. I'm using a dual boot of Vista (Home Premium) and Hardy Heron 8.04 on my Acer laptop.
I have time to go make a pot of coffee, put a pan of Grands biscuits in the oven (including preheat time), have the sausage done, and the eggs started by the time I go from power on to actually being able to do anything useful in Vista, and this on a dual core Eviltel T2060 processor.
On the other hand, from power on to be able to check my gmail on Hardy Heron is under 30 seconds. The only real downsides to using Linux over Wimpdoze are:
(1) I make a nice sideline out of servicing Wimpdoze machines and using it keeps me up with the current Redmond issues.
(2) My day job benefits site is strictly IE only. With all my numerous geek princess powers, I've been unable to convince it to let me use Firefox or Opera. I find that to be maximum suckage of sewage!
Also, WINE works for me on the one program I can't give up (mIRC) from Wimpdoze, but the Ubuntu implementation is kind of weird, and I don't think it has installed properly on either of the 2 machines I use. Oh well, it's just a few extra clicks to start mIRC and I only use it a few times per week.
Well, 5:30AM comes quickly. G'nite!
Might be easier
It might be easier to take all the non-MS stuff seriously if it didn't have names that sound like "Peanuts" characters, native African tribes you read about in National Geographic or children's storybook names. Not that Vista or ME are all that great either, mind you, but XP has a nice, snappy sound. Like a good car. "I was out tooling around in my new XP and blew the doors off a Ferrari!" or "Man, when I was in high school my parents had this 98 with the SP2, that was so-o-o cool!" ;-)
Now Firefox, that's a good one. Need some more like that! But seriously, who the heck came up with "Opera"? Try looking hot while telling somebody you like OPERA!
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Rock Opera, anyone?
I have no blarging clue where the name "opera" came from, but, once in a while, I also use konqueror, is that any better? Oh, and I tried using Konversation, but nothing compares to the power of mIRC.