Oh my word (and lots of them)

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With nothing better to do... I started working out how many words I have published here.
I had this itch that needed scratching.

I've not finished adding them up yet and it is getting close 900,000 and will be well over ONE Million by the end of the year. I have one story that is over 80,000 words long ready to publish.

I will have been posting here 10 years in November. If anyone had said to me that in ten years I would have written and posted around a million words then I would have told them that they are mad, stark raving bonkers.

I think the word for how I'm feeling is Gobsmacked!



What do you read, my lord?

I've actually been around here longer than you.
I have posted a fair amount of stories but still significantly fewer than you.

Talking about "Words", well, my stories tend to be just a little bit shorter. My total only comes to just over 60 000. I.e. only about three quarters of your as yet unpublished story.

So, we rely on you to keep the words comming!
Please, let the spring keep flowing.

Show Me!

Oh. Words, words, words
I'm so sick of words
I get words all day through
First from him, now from you
Is that all you blighters can do?

I'm astounded as well. My estimated total is 1.3 million. Never would have guessed.

I wonder how many others have reached the one million mark????? Surely Angharad.

Bru - you should multiply your total times a factor of twenty since brevity is the soul of wit.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

An Old Saying

Daphne Xu's picture

I agree fully about Bru. There's an old saying: "Words shouldn't be counted, but weighed." (A reference to the ways a factory or business determines how much of something it has.)

I'm not going to count my words posted; I'll just guestimate. Perhaps 100,000 in my long story here. A similar length for one on ASSM and ASSTR that I posted shortly after. Then all my shorter stories here (I must exclude two old ones reposted from ASSM and ASSTR.) probably combine to less than 100,000 words. 50000 maybe.

-- Daphne Xu

When you got it, you got it

BarbieLee's picture

Don't take this as criticism because it's only a comment. Your first stories were stiff, good reading but lacking in emotional pull. You have managed to mature in your writing where your stories are overflowing with emotion and top notch writing skills. Congratulations Samantha, when you going to leave us and join the ranks of writers who have pulled their works and moved on? Sugar, you are the kind of writer publishers would kill for to put in their list. They love authors who have a list of stories and developed a following so they have a certain number of books pre sold before they ever hit the bookstores.
hugs hon
Life is a gift. Treasure it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Thanks Barb

Pulling no punches as usual I see Te-he! :) :) :)
You are right about how my work has changed and developed over time.
As for other publishers? Not really interested but nice idea though.

It would take

Maddy Bell's picture

to go through everything to add them all up!

Doing some very rough and ready calculations I reckon there are @ 1.6 million words of Gaby on BC, Nena, Peaches, Trixie and all the others will take that to @ 2 million words posted in my 15.5 years here on BC. There are of course another third of a million Gaby words in the queue to be posted even if I never wrote another word!



Madeline Anafrid Bell

I wonder...

Erisian's picture

I wonder how many words Morpheus has total... does an unsigned int go that high? ;)

Congratulations on getting so many stories done! Knowing that it COULD be done after reading stories on here for many years (lurking quietly) really helped inspire to actually start writing again three years ago. And now I'm working on book four! It's hard to believe, isn't it!!

You have been a busy writer.

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

In a little over 15 years here, I cranked out and published here 271,661 words. Plus another 21,844 that I published straight to Smashwords, for a total of 293,505 words. I didn't count the first two stories in the Torn Trilogy, or the two Petticoat Detective stories I've published. My stories average a little over 13K words

That doesn't count any of the words in the 16 unfinished works I have on my hard drive.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Busy, busy authors, all of

Busy, busy authors, all of you! And you all do some incredible work.

I've never tracked the number of words in any of my stories. That was until "Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?" But after I hit 100 chapters, I thought it would be fun, but as I got deeper and deeper into Tommy, I said, "Oh my God! You're crazy!" Tommy, with 244 Chapters written, stands at 1,250,000 words and 6,600,000 characters. I never did this for my other stories, And never will.


Epic works

like Teddie, Bike and Gabby deserve their own place in Big Closet History.
Until now, only Forsythe Saga and County Sheriff series have got over 50K words. It remains to be seen how my as yet unpublished piece that is even longer will be received. It really does not matter that much as I had a huge amount of fun writing it and that is what counts.
Right, that's enough pats on the back... It is back to painting the cupboard doors in my dining room.

Capping my numbers

While I have been a member for fourteen and a half years most of my writing was done on The Haven. From 3/2013 to 3/2020 I wrote 7175 captions . Most caps were over 250 words but to be conservative I am using a 200 word average for a total of over 1.4 million words. Add another 250k for stories here and on Amazon and the number is even higher. Or the equivalent of the length of the average political speech.

Visit my Caption Blog: Dawn's Girly Site

Visit my Amazon Page: D R Jehs

Word count

I have no idea of my total. I looked at a few completed manuscript files, and then did some calculation
Dancing to a New Beat 180K
A Longer War: 134K
The Job: 130K
Sisters: 124K
Sweat: 80K
StD: 86K
Cold Feet: 158K
Uniforms (book): 34K
Extra Time: 104K
TLTL: 120K
Cider: 87K
Riding Home : 78K
Ride On: 183K
Viewpoints: 56K
Home Free: 6K

There are various shorter works, but that's the bulk. Add in about 90K so far for Lifeline, and I am at about 1,650,000 words.

Bloody hell...

That was my reaction as well

I had not realised just how many words I'd written. It makes me laugh to think back to my time at school where even writing a 250 word essay for Mrs Greenwood was a real struggle.


Rugby joke

...but you managed by force of Will...


For those who don't know, one Will Greenwood was an England Rugby player.


i always

Maddy Bell's picture

struggled to keep it down to the requested word count!

What made it worse was that my writing was/is quite tiny (typically over 20 words per line compared to most peoples dozen) so I had to write more than bigger writers when the teacher wanted 'two sides' rather than a word count!

My great opus, a Fantasy Fiction story, run/ran to @ 400 sides of A4 with about 900 words per page, all written longhand. Maybe one day i'll find it again and get the conversion to digital finished!


Madeline Anafrid Bell