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Hi gang... I'm about to post the first chapter of a nine chapter tale. It is not pretty. It is not about nice people. It has more triggers than all the pistols in Ireland and many of them are mine...the triggers that is. We are all angry people. But there are different degrees of anger. And though this tale deals with two extremely angry people, their anger is not apparent.

Some of us deal with our anger by directing it outward at the world and the people therein. Others direct their anger inward. We all know the angry ones who externalize. Nothing is done right and everyone's a slacker. Nothing in life is good. The glass is not half empty. It's not even there! The people that internalize are not as easy to spot. They have terrible self images and very little sense of self worth. However both types tend to self medicate to ease the one thing they all have in common; the pain!

This tale also deals with the cycle of abuse (which is all too well documented). When someone grows up in an environment where the abuse is constant, the abuse becomes their version of 'normal'. Abused girls become abused wives. And the list goes on. The sexually abuse tend to become sexual abusers. This is NOT an excuse for the abusers or the abused. These are not broad sweeping generalizations. They are merely truths and very sad facts.

This tale is dedicated to Mary Alison; the least angry woman I know. This tale also couldn't have been finished and posted without the help of Andrea Lena...Drea. Her encouragement and advice, and her semi-deaf ear to my whining, kept me going to completion and posting. Love you gram and mom...!!!

BTW... This tale was finished months before the Jeffrey Epstein horror story became news.