Looking for a story

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Looking for a story about a young man who pretends to be a mail order bride heading out West. Its set in the late 1800s and potentially involves three medallion of Zulo. Also potentially an Anon Allsop story but I cannot for the life of me find it...
Thanks for the help!


The Mail Order Bride

I am a packrat, and I think I have the story archived, but I do not have rights to post it.

I looked at the author's listings on FM, and it is not in them in 2003.
It may have been lost when FM ws rebuilt, or I just may have overlooked it.
Here is the synopsis that was given: (which is probably ok as fair use)

Synopsis: A 'Mail Order Bride' company agrees pay a young ladies entire expenses if she will marry single men out west. With the help of a brothel owner, a young teen allows himself to be disguised as a woman and soon finds himself heading west on a train. His only intention is to escape the city, however, the boy in costume, meets up with a kindly old woman who exposes him unwittingly to the linking spell. A VERY slow transformation.
[first added 10/21/2003]

You might see if the author can be contacted at the address given at the end if the story: (it has been over 16 years, but it may still be good)
[email protected]

Thank you!

Yep, that is definitely the story. I couldn't find it anywhere so I'll have to reach out! Thank you!

on Amazon

Under the author's name, d.l. lanholder. Good story, I recommend it.

--Areader [not same as 'a reader'!]