It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas so I decided to look back at one of my stories 'Lost & Found'.
It was a fictional story for a competition that inspired me to write around a real life situation. No fantasy just an example of human kindness after personal tragedy.
Anybody got any recommendations for a nice read, story or book on Amazon, since Christmas is coming?
I can't see what the big deal is about it, but then again I have never celebrated it or anything else Birthdays, weddings funerals to me just another day of the year. When I served in the military I would volunteer for duty. I refused to attend any functions or church services only took leave when forced to by the unit CO's. Then again I've never been a people person always prefered ny own company so never had any friends not even with the people I served and worked with. I was the always the person that other people hated and avoided no idea why I would help anyone who needed it, I've always been of the opinion that life is not a popularity contest so why bother. I came into the world alone and will die alone
Christmas stories
I have the The Christmas Angel story you might like. I will be submitting a new one with everyone's favorite crazy person and her boyfriend celebrating Christmas.
If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.”
― Toni Morrison
I've got a couple of Christmas stories
my favorite is Santa School:
A wonderful take on a Christmas Classic
A few months ago Andrea DiMaggio posted a version of Dicken's A CHRISTMAS CAROL.
This has been done many, many times by different authors but I really loved Drea's version;
because the characters weren't just caricatures of Scrooge, Bob Cratchet etc etc etc
out of an old time melodrama---or a tongue-in-cheek spoof of one---but felt like
real people; and the situations and dialogue were different enough to make
this old holiday chestnut feel new again. And yes, I cried...
I was stunned by how overlooked this gem of a tale was when it was posted but it was
probably too early in the year for a Christmas Story and the title she chose for it was
the hopelessly unmarketable UN ALTRO CANTO NATALIZIO, which makes sense
with the Italian-American cast but I almost skipped over it myself
thinking the whole thing was gonna be in Italian.
Really glad I didn't, it's one of her best!
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Andrea’s stories are always good.
If you’re looking for something on Kindle, I suggest Reaching Home, by Katie Leone. It is a sequel to Unreachable, where Andrew/Desiree visits her soon-to-be grandparents for Christmas.
Gillian Cairns
sorry never liked
Sorry I never did enjoy the x-mas season but this year it has been interesting to say the least got caught using my salad shooter to shred potatoes for hash browns and using and ice cream scoop to put leftover mashed potatoes in a waffle iron to cook them was doing same for the hash browns the women in the family did help with the clean up but,stole all three of my waffle irons the salad shooter the ice cream scoops. then when the grand nieces ratted me out for having the best oat meal they stole my 1/2 sheet pans my two instapots and my ninja foodi along with about 15 pounds of dried fruit and 7 pounds of nuts along with all the raisins and maple sugar I had out all because I toasted the oat meal before cooking it.They also took the little meat slicer but I say good riddance to that space waster now I have to replace most of it. They said i is punishment for cheating in the kitchen.
Have a good day and enjoy life.