And no mention on BC that I saw.
Wednesday, Nov. 20th, was the Transgender Day of Remembrance. According to one online commemoration I saw there have been 311 teansgender victims of violent criminal this year alone.
Friday, Nov. 22nd, was the 56th anniversary of the assassination of Pres. John F. Kennedy during a motorcade in Dallas, TX. And Camelot died. Instead of the "Best and the Brightest" we now have the 'worst and the dumbest'.
No real argument with your
No real argument with your description of the current state, but "best and brightest" was a misnomer. The "Best and Brighest" gave us Vietnam.
Vietnam intervention
Was ordered by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, a former five star general. Pres. Kennedy sent more troops (military advisors) on the advice of his top military commanders. The actual escalation of the "Vietnam conflict" came during LBJ's terms of office.
BTW, the "Best and the Brightest" is the title of a book, not a personal judgement. The 'worst and the dumbest' is a personal judgement.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
I'm very sorry
I wanted so much to present something fo TDoR. Thanks for the reminder for both dates. Interesting bit of history - Aldous Huxley, C.S. Lewis, and JFK all died on the same day.
Love, Andrea Lena