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Here is the first paragraph of the article:
"The Trump administration is considering narrowly defining gender as a biological, immutable condition determined by genitalia at birth, the most drastic move yet in a governmentwide effort to roll back recognition and protections of transgender people under federal civil rights law."
Trump Administration Eyes Defining Transgender Out of Existence
Smaller goverment
They run on a platform of less government interference and them pass laws that get in the way of a persons right to be who they are, or what they can do with their own bodies.
Yes the hypocrisy.
They cry about Government interference but then they always want a hand in some government project as well. In other words, they want to stick their hand in the till and rob taxpayers, charging more for a subpar or even service. The only possible exception would be if they were run by NOT for profit corporations but this is not the case.
Additionally, government services that truly need reductions and innovative solutions they discourage because they would lose money(I am referring to for-profit prisons). If you had a for-profit prison system based on sensible rehabilitation programs as well as reusable buildings after fewer and fewer prisoners fill the beds I would support that. The same amenities that would make the cells more livable would also serve, after minimal renovations, to make suitable apartments or even homes. Look at so many other prisons in the Industrialized world and their conditions, even in the maximum security ones.
In the face of corporate failure one need only look at the UK's privatization of the rail system. They spent little to no money maintaining and repairing it then after they ran it into the ground the taxpayers had to foot the bill of repair.
That's when they're getting a guaranteed government contract with a payout, in other cases taxpayers foot the bill by paying for the externalities. I can just list corporation after corporation that don't have good environmental policies and if you take into account the externalities for profits they break even.
On this note, I would love to get into Corporations, who lament Big Government, using it as a tool to pay the cost for their malfeasance. In the case of Vaccines, during the Reagan Administration, a law was passed exempting Vaccine makers from being held liable for any negative effects received. Instead, the taxpayer was made to foot the bill and they have become reckless in releasing ones with a questionable safety record in terms of percentage.
edit: Let me be clear, not all corporations are bad but there are some really despicable corporate citizens.
I hate to say it...
He's going to have to take on the whole Kardashian clan.
Yesterday it was Putin, today the Kardahsians. Who's Next? and who 'Won't get Fooled Again!' /s
'You know who' does seem to be on a course to make enemies of some really powerful people.
Interesting times we live in eh?
Well. Putin seems more and more like god...
... of "Western" population. For Ukrainians he is a god already. Everything happening is blamed on Putin by them, good or bad... Everybody with different opinion is Putin's agent. It was funny in 2014, but it stopped to be funny by 2016... Will Americans follow in their steps?
"Interesting times we live in"... We are exactly following the ancient Chinese curse.
Frankly I'm more worried about China.
I'm not saying Russia isn't necessarily a concern but China's actions are much subtler. Sadly some politicians in these other countries would almost sell their own mothers if they could get a buck from China.
Some American movie companies have slavishly pandered to them with the hopes of getting venture capital to finance said movies. If not they want the Chinese market(if you don't have to compromise your product with Chinese censors then fine). I think instead having an excellent translation staff and setting up a distribution structure outside of China based on Mutual Aid and understanding is better, name the industry. Freeze China out until they respect Free Speech and by extension creativity.
As it stands now, China is a ghost of its former self...but they still wish the respect afforded to them in the past. The past when, if you wanted amenable trade relations with China, they could be the only ones with an Emperor. It also extended past this in other respects...currently, they want this in a similar form but worse. They consider South China Sea their sovereign territory...even though they share it with Vietnam, Malaysia, and others. Their Silk Road initiatives involves launching debt traps, seeing countries fall through them and, depending on where they're located, demanding either access to their raw minerals or setting up strategic military bases like in Djibouti.
In case that sounds familiar the Western playbook uses the IMF or World Bank to set up a loan in a 3rd world country that has promising resources. The loan amount is definitely in excess of any amount this country needs and the interest rate is severe. WHEN this country default the Institution promises to lay off on them if they can get the resources for a song. If they refuse to take the loan, well I'm sure enough of you have heard of the coups the CIA has instituted. This is Neo-Colonialism in my opinion.
China's is more subtle as their terms are more amenable and infrastructure programs are financed...this would be fine if the countries need it. In some cases the infrastructure is unnecessary and the loan amount promised is not covered. To add insult to injury, instead of these project serving as anchor industries, few to no local work is hired. Instead a China company is contracted.
I haven't even gotten into the motherboards with hardware back doors where a tiny chip the size of a pinhead is installed that the PLO uses to hack into American(likely Western companies as well) and steal their R&D.
I haven't even gotten into the motherboards with hardware back doors where a tiny chip the size of a pinhead is installed that the PLO uses to hack into American(likely Western companies as well) and steal their R&D.
There has been no concrete proof of this was ever the case. B-B has been challenged to show it and so far there is nothing but tumbleweed blowing in the wind.
But... basically what you said is pretty close to the mark.
There was an article about 2 years ago...
... by a guy who tried to activate some virtual mode on the CPU in his motherboard... And found that it already is activated so he can't do anything to counter it.
So the question is... Why use strange chips (one shown in the original article had nothing to do with any of the alleged functions anyways...) when you can use BIOS (UEFI) to activate virtual mode on power up and do whatever you want? (and yes, MB from the supplier in the different country had not had that virtual mode activated... but I currently have no links and proof....)
Soon enough a powerful, independent PRIVATE PC...
will come. Americans, UKers, EUers and Koreans/Japanese will want this. The companies will want BIOS' not made in China to not have to worry about IP theft, the citizens want privacy as well as IP protection for their work as well. I can imagine making an AIO tablet with an OLED or mLED screen could cover a large enough audience and merit a cost to be manufactured outside China.
edit: I would buy this and do a dual boot Linux/Windows build.
Laws are subjective and fluid
It's against the law to spit on the sidewalk
Against the law for a woman to wear read after 7P.M.
Don't whale hunt in Oklahoma, you're breaking the law.
Make an ugly face toward a dog..., yep, jail time.
Spitting is pretty well a nation wide ban. Cost yuh $500 and three months in jail in some places.
Girls, thought you might put your hair in curlers? It's illegal unless you're licensed.
I admit I kinda like Trump but sometimes the light bulb grows kinda dim. He wouldn't know a transsexual kissed him if even half the girls I knew did the dirty deed. I think Melenia is a smart, pretty, intelligent lady. I wish I had an opportunity to talk to both Trumps for an hour more or less. But then I wish that a lot of times when someone makes an uneducated, unintelligent, unresearched, hearsay, truly nothing more but a trainload of lies they picked up and repeated.
Too many have paid a horrendous price because our whole damn medical and government system is stuck in the eighteen and nineteenth century of what transgender is and more importantly isn't.
Transgender, God's gift and blessing
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
It was not that bad 2 centuries ago.
Then, if you wear woman's dress - you was treated as a woman. If you wear man's dress, you was treated as a man.
Look up a story of the Chevalier d'Éon (AKA Mademoiselle de Beaumont). There was a good book about that person by Russian writer Valentin Pikul "By plume and sword". It is an extremely well written story. Strange thing is that I seen nothing about d'Eon written by any of the TG fiction writers.
Sorry, double posting...
Thank God....
I’m British.
Martin Niemöller seems remarkably relevant (“First they came for the...).
Non sum qualis eram
feels a bit weird quoting the guy but ...
-Friedrich Nietzsche, Also Sprach Zarathustra
Even a busted clock is right twice a day...
(And as far as the article itself, instead of my usual tirade I'll just say
I have a very bad feeling about all this and where it will end...)
What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.
Frankly I love Nietzche because...
He outright trolled the philosophers of the day, not in an obnoxious way like today but more subtly. There's something to be said for poking holes in one who has too high a sense of self-importance.
Love thy Neighbour, (if it's convenient)
Don't be unkind.
God made him do it.
I wonder which God? Hitler, Stalin, Vlad the Impaler, Hades?
"The bigger the lie the more it will be believed," Joseph Goebbels early in World War II.
I doubt,
that the Donald ever heard of the existence of someone called Hades. In any case what they made him into in Xena had nothing to do with what the original Mythology sais.
I also doubt he knows that Vlad the impaler ever walked this earth and where, after all that was in far flung parts of Europe.
Finlly the Ducks are all derived from uncling (see: Die Ducks, Psychogramm einer Sippe), so inbreeding must have been ripe in his ancestry.
Monique S
Time for a push for a civil
Time for a push for a civil rights amendment
What I can't understand
Is why I can't find this breaking news in other well known reputable papers? The couple places I found the story, outside of the NY Times it was a story about the New York Times writing the story. One would think a story as big as this would be all over other papers and on TV.
Given the NY Times past record of not checking the facts before publishing a story, I'm of the mind that it's just another attempt at sensationalizing a rumor so they can once again enrage the masses.
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
Consider the sources and
Consider the sources and timing. Vague on purpose, no direct quotes from anyone on the record, coming out two weeks before the election, after polls started to show that the election may not actually be a blue tide that was predicted...
It might happen, but the story smells fishy.
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
It's Identified as a Leaked Memo... it's not as though you'd expect lots of independent sources to get hold of it.
But I think it's important to note that the director at Health and Human Services, the organization that allegedly issued the memo, didn't deny its existence; he declined to comment.
It is up to you the TG community to educate the congresspeople and senators along with Trump's advisors write letters to them explaining what the condition is,also get your doctors and care givers to write them also, but remember that the average doctor does not know that much about the condition and some are actively opposed to the condition. Another fun fact 30% of the medical community does not understand standard ABO and rh blood typing stuff I learned in a standard and required High School science class. As for the NY Times it has degenerated to only some what better than a supermarket tabloid.
Have a good day and enjoy life.
You can educate "Ignorance" not stupidity
the other problem with the education option is that assumes those that you wish to educate want to be educated otherwise it becomes
You can't educate someone...
by screaming obscenities while at the same time calling them names, or by chasing them out of a restaurant or any of the many other mob tactics that we've seen used lately.
I am neither Republican nor Democrat, I find that both parties has some things I agree with and some things I disagree with. Although one thing I am adamant against is forcing others to agree with your point of view. It doesn't matter if you are right or wrong or somewhere in the middle, as far as I am concerned NO ONE has the right to force another adult to their way of thinking. there has been times over the years I have voted Democrat and times I have voted Republican of all those times I have NEVER yelled about how evil or insane one candidate is over another or tried to force someone to my way of thinking.
It's funny, a bit over 8 years ago several of my friends were dumbfounded, they could not believe Obama won, then doing the same 4 years later. "How could Obama win he is pure evil?" they cried. I politely told them that if they wanted their party to win they have to start giving us a candidate that people will vote for.
A bit over a years ago other friends came to me saying, "How could trump win he is pure evil?" I told them the same thing I told my republican friends, if you want your party to win you must give us a candidate that people will vote for.
It all boils down to that old saying about catching more flies with honey than with vinegar. So if you want people to come to your side, be polite and use logical arguments in a calm and steady tone of voice. Don't run around screaming the sky is falling, all that will do is convince them that you're a lunatic and for God's sake take off the aluminum foil hat :)
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
It's hard though...
When some of these people are outright blocking the right to vote. Sorry but it makes my blood boil. If you want to disagree with me because my ideology conflicts with you as a Democrat, Republican, Conservative, Liberal, whatever, that's fine. When you step in and try to block my right to vote, then I take issue especially considering people have died for this.
Sometimes it is better to blend with populace.
Had any SJW ever asked you if you want to be outed to the world?
Too much "education" will cause and is causing CIS people to question: "Why they should have preferential treatment over me?" And it will cause animosity and strain that will turn to violence with just a bit of the alcohol added.
Do you remember original meaning of the word "tolerance"? It is an ability of the body to survive poisons and decease. Word "tolerance" applied to me causes me to be very cautious as it means that other people consider me the poison for them but are "tolerating" my presence while there are witness present.
The American right, or is that Right
I have no idea whether this is real or fake news. I live outwith the USA and am glad of that. It is bad enough here! IF the story is true it smacks of interference from the fundamentalist right wing so-called Christians who are using Pence as a way in to decision making by government which, in a democracy, is for the people by the people! That group are pure evil. Poison to society. I have read their bible and cannot understand where the hatred they expound originates. If we, as perverts, are all going to hell what is their problem? They will have heaven to themselves. Or will they also be going somewhere hot for eternity due to their expressions of hate and lies? Interesting? There are a lot of seriously sick and depraved souls out there but being born as we are does not automatically put us in that grouping. Good luck America, you are going to need it.
This also assumes that he can
This also assumes that he can get the AMA, APA, and international medical groups to go along with it. There's only a limited amount of power that the President has over any medical related groups. I also find it interesting that the articles I've seen don't actually mention Trump. Just the administration - which is a pile of bureaucrats, mostly left over from the last three Presidents.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Or has the political will and
Or has the political will and capital to do so, he lacks the political capital for the wall which he cares about more than most things
Just a little thought anyone?
Just a little thought anyone???
OR maybe THINK before you all react to media hype a few weeks JUST BEFORE the election??
The 'story' so far I have found comes from the NYC times...IMO not 'exactly' a middle of the road media company(heck its not even close!)
Maybe just maybe its a BS PLANTED story put there JUST before you vote to get a reaction out of you on a non-happening event...that is not confirmed at all???
if this 'story' came out on Nov 7 I might think its real...but JUST before the election...ahhh nope
Joseph Goebbels would be proud of today's media...a quote from my prof in college as he taught us how evil Media is or will be 30 years ago and he was 'news' (or really the owners opinion networks) are not neutral anymore.
So when you see a 'media' BLAST like this at this time of the year or every two years or four...wait till the end of Nov to actually BELIEVE it!
Proud member of the Whateley Academy Drow clan/collective
fuck it. nevermind...
What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
It's called an "October
It's called an "October Surprise" but the timing is no coincidence as it was the anniversary of the mass firings by Richard Nixon years ago.
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
It's in other media...
Folks, this is not "fake news" by the NYT. Other media are picking up on it. Trump commented on it today. See:
Trump considers rollback of transgender protections
From the link:
'President Trump suggested Monday that he's considering taking actions that would affect protections for legal transgender people. As he was departing the White House to campaign in Texas for Sen. Ted Cruz, Mr. Trump told reporters he's "looking at it" and said that there are "a lot of different things happening with respect to transgender." '
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
at least let it 'drift' from
at least let it 'drift' from --'I heard or overheard somebody I shall not name about something I can't confirm'
TO its real and confirmed by a real person IN the government...when it does I will fight it...till then just pre-election rumor at best
what CBS just posted is not news--that is rumor IMO...'news' is real, hard evidence, that you can prove
Proud member of the Whateley Academy Drow clan/collective
See my post above about
See my post above about bureaucrats. Memos are generally from the various 'faceless bureaucrats', meaning that they are beholden to nobody but themselves, and pursue their own agenda, which usually has nothing to do with any administration.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Another fucked in the...
...head scare tactic that this fucked in the head Drumpf Whitehouse is using to create or reinforce Republican hate for those who are deemed other and not worthy of equal rights under the law. Because they are not 'normal' according to the NEO-CHRISTO-FACIST interpretation of normal... Fuck Christianity and all the fucking poisonous influence it has had over the existence and history of mankind.
Through it and other religions, humanity as a whole is such a failed fucking concept...
As they say in this video, these protest that will happen, in itself will prove that Republican hate is 'justified' and will rally them to vote, for they need some group to be the enemy to be abused and oppressed, for without the power to oppress, Republicans have no fucking identity, no fucking self-worth, and no fucking purpose in life.
but it is the rare moments of beauty and peace
in between the chaos,
That makes it worth living."
- Tertia Hill
Jiminy christmas. Did you
Jiminy christmas. Did you even READ the other comments in this thread? There's no real evidence it came from Trump's desk, or anyone close to him. It's always been referred to as a 'Trump Administration memo', which means one of tens of thousands of anonymous bureaucrats, most of which were inherited from previous administrations. For that matter, it's a _memo_, which means it's someone making comments to someone else, or giving vague instructions to the desks below them.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.