yup, hands up, I admit it! So look, I forgot the photo montage, it wasn't intentional honest.
Anyhow, today you do get Cheer Ahead, part five of Book 17 to read.
In mitigation of my blonde stupidity, I have had a busy time since Sunday. On Monday I wroted more Gaby, two complete new chapters then tomorrow, no yesterday (duh), I went out for a short ride which turned into a full day and 145km! So then of course I was too kernackered to write more last night - well you can't win them all. I might manage some more scribbling before but Friday is my next writing day which should get the tale to a point ready for part one to go out on Sunday.
I have been doing research for Gabycon, its going to be an international affair again with attendees from as far away as East Yorkshire! LOL
For now though,
ciao bella