Nope, not an error, I spent the last couple of days tilting at windmills 'out east' in Lincolnshire! Some good weather, some horrible, one castle (birthplace in 1367 of Henry IV), 275km and 25 windmills! Phew, I'm exhausted just thinking about it. I'm sure its doing me good, well I think it is anyhow.
(The windmills are one of my bank of things to look out for to make my rides a bit more interesting. Unusual vehicles, castles, ecclesiastical buildings, towers etc, etc all go to make 'touring' a bit more interesting - after all, what's the point in riding from a to b if you don't see anything or learn about stuff on the way? Training is one thing but even then I try to vary my routes as much as possible to prevent boredom.)
So anyhow, back home I'm still preparing for the kitchen fitters - I'm well advanced in packing up and chucking out (I reckon I've dumped about 20 sacks of old knackered clothing, magazines and just general detritus that you accumulate. Stuff has been donated to charity that's actually useable but old socks, laddered hose, broken shoes, old worn out bike parts - had to go! My fear, because its happened before, is that stuff gets 'lost' in boxes never to be seen again - Gaby's collection of model cars filled one box, then two - well its in six boxes now as everytime I thought I had them all I found another bag full! I've found more bike, camping, clothing, footwear (don't go there!) than anyone has the right to possess. I have a plan to prevent stuff being forgotten (slimming down the clothing and footwear collection!) but I can't embark on that until the workmen have done and I can once more see the wood so to speak.
Anyhow, I'm planning on releasing the new Gaby tome on Sunday so look out for that.
In the meantime chapter 23 of Sweet Sixteen, New Relations is posted here today! Don't say I never give you anything.