Translation of the ass

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I will say this...tłumacz gogle jest chujowy,wypatrzył moje słowa...nie mniej mam żal do Amazon że traktuje Polskę po macoszemu (wiem że jest już AMAZON POLSKA) ale to nic nie zmienia,wielu nie anglojęzycznych chciałoby nabyć publikacje swoich ulubionych autorów....ale jak mówią ruscy ,,nie nada,,...zostaje to co Da BigCloset TopShelf...i łaska autorów...całuski za niesamowite opowiadania i nagroda złotego dębu dla Tania Allan (choć opuściła Big Closet i związała się z Amazonem ) złoty Dąb dla moich dwóch idolek Wolfjess i snowfall (brawo Alecia) ...grand Prix złotego dębu przypada elspeth za Drugą stronę lasu...Maggie Finston za Dziewczynę na podstawie dekretu...Penny Lane za Anmar i Monique S za ,,co jeśli,, (wogóle nie wiem czy zdajesz sobie sprawę że Amazonki NIE były mitem,odłam plemienia Amazonek ((ten królowej Pentesilei,ostatecznie poprzez Azję osiadł na terenach dzisiejszej Polski,i są na to dowody pomimo usilnych starań kościoła katolickiego żeby to wymazać)))...również złoty grand Prix dla Jennifer Sue za Letnią Odyseję...Całuski



What language?

Boys will be girls... if they're lucky!

Jennifer Sue


Jennifer mówię po polsku (i speak Polish)

It's Polish. Here is what google translate shows that he said:

translator google is chujowy ("suck"), spotted my words ... no less I feel sorry for Amazon that treats Poland after neglect (I know that AMAZON is already POLAND) but it does not change, many non-English speakers would like to purchase publications of their favorite authors .... as they say, the Russian, "will not give" ... it remains what Da BigCloset TopShelf ... and the grace of the authors ... kiss for amazing stories and the award of golden oak for Tania Allan (though she left Big Closet and affiliated with Amazon) zloty (golden) Oak for my two idols Wolfjess and snowfall (bravo Alecia) ... grand Prix of golden oak falls elspeth for the Other side of the forest ... Maggie Finston for the girl based on the decree ... Penny Lane for Anmar and Monique S for ,, what if " (I do not know at all whether you realize that the Amazons were NOT a myth, a branch of the Amazon tribe (the queen of the Pentesilei, eventually settled in the territory of today's Poland through Asia, and there is evidence despite the efforts of the Catholic church to to erase it)) ... also the golden grand Prix for Jennifer, for the Summer Odyssey ... Kiss

Edit to add: I had to put chujowy and zlotys in google translate on their own, which was why I put the translations for those two words in parentheses. Zlotys came up as no translate, but dropping the "s" gave the translation of golden, which made sense.

Google translate

My Polish is very, very limited, just to a few courtesies. Rather like my Czech, of which my most used phrases are "Yes, No, Please, Thank you, Two beers, One more beer"

I shuddered at Bookface's translation of a Welsh poem the other day, so when I reposted the link I wrote my own, but the Google translate version I loved most was from an article on a favourite French town. "Annecy est une commune francaise" (Annecy is a French community) was translated as "Annecy is a common Frenchwoman"/

Two Beers please!

Is fine but... after a month in Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and finally Armenia, I came home stayed one night and went to S. America on holiday. Arriving in a bar in Santiago, Chile after an overnight flight, I asked for two beers. The problem was that it came out in Russian and to my and everyones amazement, the Barman answered in Russian. Needless to say, my Wife (now ex) thought I was being a smart-ass showoff and didn't speak to me for several days.
As for Annecy, the old part of the town is very nice and there used to be a hotel in what were very old buildings surrounding a courtyard. I worked there for a bit in the 1980's. As it was winter time, the locals used to disappear early to go skiing.
That's life eh! (And in many cases would be better off without Google)


Hotel de la Poste? Stayed there! Can't find it on the map any more, so I suspect it has been renamed or changed role. I think it may now be called Hotel des Alpes.

Amazon doesn't provide any translation services

Amazon doesn't provide any translation services for Kindle or paper books sold on Amazon. It just sells what the author or publisher provides. It's up to the author or publisher to get the book translated then put it up for sale on Amazon.

The cost of translation and editing a new version is too much for most authors in a niche market like TG fiction, even for widely spoken languages. Doing it for a wide variety of languages, like Polish, will probably never happen. The state of the art for automated machine translation may someday be good enough to reduce the cost, but that's a long way off.


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}

Going off the comments

Beoca's picture

I can't read Polish, but based on the comments it's about getting more of this content in Polish. Frankly, translation is tough. It's not economically viable (for this material). I know reading stuff that's in a second language is tough - I have been there and done that - but that's the best that can be offered.

And in all honesty, even if Erin were to hire someone to translate all the stories on the site (which seems very unlikely), it would not be into Polish.

Beoca :-)

Nie,nie...chodziło mi o publikacje Amazona,bo jaki jest sens kupowania książek których nie możesz przeczytać (Kris wyjaśnił mi to w komentarzu powyżej)np. książki Tanii Allan,Wolfjess,czy Snowfall i innych, które kiedyś tutaj były ale zniknęły do do Erin i Big Closet to nie,nie musi nikogo zatrudniać,mój translator google spisuje się w miarę dobrze,tłumaczy stronę i opowiadania w miarę dobrze (przynajmniej ze zrozumieniem)...więc pozostaje nam łaska i zrozumienie wspaniałych autorów oraz cudowna robota Erin...całuski