Au Retour

A word from our sponsor:

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My most sincere and heartfelt apologies from being away from BC and leaving you hanging with Samantha and my other work.

Last summer, I was told very strongly that, in a family legal squabble I was having, what extra-curricular activities I engaged in could be used to influence events in a pending legal dispute. As much of my writing uses personal experiences, that was a reasonable request. Although honoring it has left my lip with deep wounds from not being able to do something I truly enjoy and dealing with people I really care about.

So, I did the hard thing and "laid low" lest I be tempted to publish again, because the Internet leaves traces -- meaning I couldn't even tell someone here why.

As if to prove the point of how important my order was, in the case of one of my squabblers, those Internet traces played a huge role in ending my difficulties with that squabbler. However, I continued my writing in private whilst away.

A few weeks ago, that legal drama came to an end, thank God, and I have waited for a little bit to make sure things are kosher before coming back here.

A Friend In Deed will return and finish off the story very shortly. Yeah! Sniff, sniff.

Jackie will have more adventures with Hugh. The next one is in Las Vegas, he he ( or, dare I say, he she ).

A new series called ‘Mourning Do’ will be published. It is a thriller with a little intrigue. Some short stories I have written too will be published also. I may just publish a teaser of what I have been up to today with a short story I wrote during my absence.

So … je reviens tout de suite mes amis,




Happy to have you back!


Welcome back :)

Podracer's picture

And thanks for the post, it is always a worry when a voice on the internet goes quiet, and a relief when they speak once more.

"Reach for the sun."