Just a note to let fans know that I will post the awaited Sleepover chapter tomorrow morning, so that it does not interfere with those of you who will be awaiting Snowfall's theme park story Venture Realm. (I know I will be hitting the refresh button every two minutes around 9 p.m. est until it appears).
Also, some readers have worried that I might burn out on a one a day schedule. So far it seems not to be the case. Today I pretty much worked through the night writing Chapters 11, 12, and 13 in one go. The sleepover chapter was just so much fun to write. Chapter 14 (Sunday in the story, probably also when I will post it) is a biggie again, and it is rolling through my head right now. Without offering any spoilers, I think that some of you have seen what is coming there. I do hope that there will be some surprises in it though.
Thanks for reading my stories, and all the kind things people are saying about them in the comments. I am a retired civil servant, so I can now write full time. Your comments are my only pay.
Finally, one last thing. I see some discussion in my last posting for and against atheism. I want to point out that I am pretty much a non-believer myself. I just use the religious angle in this story as a plot device. The fact that my character (who also was an non-believer until having his penis replaced by a vagina) is so strongly religious should not indicate that I am. In fact, I have a fear that Religious people will take this story and thus decide that I am some kind of paragon of religious respectability.
It reminds me of when my devout Mother's pastor asked me to teach Sunday school. I had to decline, saying "Don't you think it would be better if you got someone who believes in God".
I admire how you’ve approached this.
Dawn i really appreciate how you’ve written this being a non-believer, You’re showing ‘religion’ in a positive way as a non believer, and in my stories I show ‘religion’ in a very negative way... That’s with me personally being a believer... I find that pretty fascinating actually lol.
I know I’m weird. The fact that I’m trans is probably one of the more normal things about me.
It's admirable.
It's admirable how (with this issue) one has treated her opposite position fairly and decently.
In a certain long story, I was warned about having the religious angle, but I continued to boldly go where angels fear to tread, and it turned out fine. A few people mentioned it, nobody took it as flame bait or criticized it.
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
Religion verses faith
I'm a devout believer, my faith is solid. I nominally accept Jesus, but only as one aspect of an all welcoming divinity, even if it is 'The Force'. Man can never know or comprehend the divine since our minds are not capable of doing so. That being said I detest religion. Religion is, pure and simple man putting words in God's mouth. If they'd stop spouting their self righteous condemnations and shut up, they might hear the divine's true guidance.
Boys will be girls... if they're lucky!
Jennifer Sue
Now I am going to have to find your story and read it because I am much less religious than I was. Oh, I solidly know there is an organizing influence in the Universe, but he/it may not be religious and perhaps doesn't know that we believe in him. It is religious people who have caused me to be less faithful because they make all these rules and try to be too exacting about what we are supposed to do. The condemnations are what finally broke me.
Thank you.
That's pretty much it. Thank you.
I believe ?
I believe there is something because things that have happened in my past (Guardian Angel) but the institution that have a building are in it for the money, just my personal opinion