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So, I was lucky enough to be involved with the surprise plot for the dormouse lady at the weekend hence my absence on Sunday - three nights in a tent, a ride around Poole Harbour and some great company made for a brill weekend.

But, and its a big but, when I got home and started doing computer things the machine went silly, first killing my mouse then apparently any power to the damn thing. So yesterday I wrote a Gaby chapter on my phone (don't get me started on phones!) - i'll have a laptop to use later but not sure how I access stuff from my backup system - answers on a postcard! The hoped for publication on Sunday should still happen but it'll need some ingenuity to pull it off!

Anyhow, I have managed to post Angel Baking here today so at least something has worked!

I'm having issues accessing my Maddy Bell email account too - if you need to contact me please PM here for now.

I will be away next week - a trip to the outer reaches of civilisation - otherwise known as Andorra which for the less geographically knowledgeable is a tiny principality straddling the Spanish /French border high in the Pyrenees. Its a trip I wasn't expecting to be making, it should have been my Mum going with Dad, instead its me - not really sure how I feel about going, its certainly nice to go but I'm more than a little sad at the circumstances.

Well that's enough wobbling on for now
take care



erin's picture

See if you can spot one of the antennaed Andorans while you are there. :)

(Star Trek reference for anyone who is confused.)

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Cute reference.......

D. Eden's picture

But we're both showing our age.

I wonder what color their skin turns when they get sunburned? A darker blue? Or maybe purple?


D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Red heads

WillowD's picture

Personally, I don't think Andorans look like they've ever been exposed to the sun. So I suspect they burn worse than red heads, going straight from zero tan to first degree burns.

Just went for a ride this morning......

D. Eden's picture

And it was miserable! 10:30 in the morning and already 88 degrees (Fahrenheit, of course), and 90% humidity. Headed north of 90 today with no relief in site - I could almost wish for a good thunderstorm just for a break in the humidity, lol.

Anyway, first time I've ridden since last summer - I am sooooooo out of shape! But I am committed to changing that, so it looks like I will be suffering for a while. Need to spend a little time adjusting the derailleur too as the front one is out of adjustment; a job for this evening after the heat breaks!

Oh well, off to throw my sweaty top, bra, shorts, and panties into the washer - then into the shower with this girl!


D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Relay fires?

taggrrl's picture

If you don't mind adding to the level of the Earth's greenhouse gases, or to deforestation of mountainous areas; I suggest you use a series of relay fires, to transmit your messages. Least it's low tech and not at the mercy of any gremlins if they happened to be nearby. Wish, I could see Andorra, never having left continental North America. Hmmm, does Vancouver Island count, as leaving?

Perfection is, always, one step beyond, where my feet are.

Well done on posting

Podracer's picture

through the hazards of computer-land. Take the sun-cream, we don't want Mads going purple too..

Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."

Your computer

If it has Microsoft Windows 10 on it, then the odds are that the last big update screwed your devices. It corrupted the usb ports on both my laptops. The computer says that they are working fine but they do not recognize anything plugged into them, except fortunately the one the mouse in plugged into. The same thing happened to a friend of mine and she also taught computing for many years. The bad news is that we could not find a way of sorting it. She, my friend, bought another computer. The same thing happened to my brother's computer but I put Linux (Ubantu) on it instead. Everything, including the usb ports work fine. I put WPS office suite (which is free) on it. WPS reads all file types and you can save them in the same format. It has a word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation software ( know that it doesn't solve your problem, but there is a solution - DUMP Microsoft

its certainly not

Maddy Bell's picture

A Windows update issue - it's a standalone machine that has never been connected to the web!
So it's something else - what i've no idea.

The good news sort of, is that i've got my Mum's laptop so I can at least continue doing stuff. Everything is backed up, I just need to work out how to access it!

Looks like i'll be buying a new machine after my Andorran trip.



Madeline Anafrid Bell

document editing

I've found Google Docs - storing documents on my Gdrive - to make life much easier. I take local downloads for when I'm going to be offline, but normally my phone, tablet and laptop can all edit the document I'm working on.
Given the sheer volume of work you have already, it might be more than you can store on your Gdrive for free, but you could certainly have a few months worth of current work there.
It's also easy to give specified users access for proof-reading, if you want to do that.
