Summertime for Kelly O'Meara
If you could ask her, my very insecure Irish-American transgender teenage Sussex County New Jersey lesbian former step-dancer would channel her inner Gandalf the White and say, "I was delayed."
Between continuing if somewhat stabilized/plateaued health isuses and wonky laptop colaboration with unreliable if stalwart wifi, my access has been nudged rudely into intermittent availability. Tremors no worse than being more noticable. Likewise with fibro and balance issues. Two recent MRIs confirm neurological origin of tremors and balance problems and Cat Scan revealed Chronic Sinusitis caused by narrow sinus passage while revealing NO cats other than our 13 year old Momma Kitty
There remain days when I find myself in a dysphoric funk strong enough to make me weepy. But her I am because this is what I love and you all are among those I love. I'm doing fine if a bit frustrated but still finding myself blessed daily. Love y'all!
A Question of Balance
Always good to hear from one of my favorite people here.
Andrea and I go way back...
...and then we fall over.
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Georgette Tirebiter?
Aw...we're no fun... we fell right over....
Love, Andrea Lena