From the Guardian, an inquest report on a young transgender woman who hanged herself at Leeds Prison in 2015. It makes quite uncomfortable reading and as with so many of these cases, these youngsters have been badly treated or abused since an early age, so it appears it was the case with Thompson, who then made things worse with drugs and alcohol and petty crime as they so often do. Surely, prison was the wrong place to send anyone with such a chaotic lifestyle without some form of rehabilitation/psychotherapy?
The report is here :
a very disturbing read indeed
several things DO NOT add up in these statements.
1. her "friend" there who claims she felt treated like a god(dess), if that was so, why did she kill herself.
2. the finding she DIDNT intend to kill herself, based on what???, she killed herself, period.
3. why was she in PRISON for shoplifting????
4. her history should have been taken into account and perhaps a psychiatric facility might have been a better choice?
5. based on the fact she never requested a transfer (IF she was told, because we all know that prisons guards are NEVER in the wrong, by accident or purposefully right????
6. not sure on the drugs and alcohol delaying her transition, but if that was accurate, why was she not put into treatment for it??? (maybe she was but was not mentioned)
7. when shorthanded is the vulnerable section the place to make cuts???
and i could go on. governments amaze me with their stupidity and ignorance of human beings, they either think they will all fit the lowest common denominator, and are shocked when they dont, or that one rule works for everyone equally.
Teresa L.