So I've been just kinda messing around today, trying to get inspired to write some more. I hit up Pandora, and set it to fit my more eclectic style. I've been in a rather tranquil mood today, so I thought I'd start with a little Enya, but she wasn't who I really wanted. I felt myself drifting back to my darker days (in part due to writing Inner Demons), and thought I'd give a group I hadn't played in years another go - Ladysmith Black Mambazo. If you've never experienced their rich harmonies, here's a link to one of their better known hits --> Homeless
It really got me to thinking about the wonderful friends I've made here since I joined back in November:
Sephrena (Lynn Miller)
Joanne (Barbarella)
Dorothy (Colleen)
Sara (Goodwoman)
and COUNTLESS others. You gurls (and occasional guy...LOL) are AWESOME. You just don't realize how TRULY BLESSED you all make me feel. I now, once again, feel that I have a family.
Haylee V