No Bike tonight

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Sorry folks I have a visitor and we were out walking this evening, so it's too late to write this evening. I'll try and do one tomorrow.

I'm giving a bit of advance notice that my course begins on October 1st (I'm going away for a week the next day, my timing is always impeccable) and it looks as if I have to supply a written assignment about every three weeks, so I may not be able to write Bike as frequently as you've been used to seeing it.

In two weeks I'm at the National Dormouse Conference so it's unlikely I'll be able to write that day as I have to catch an early train to get to Reading University on time for the start and it'll be quite late when I get home.



Nice of them ...

to allow humans to attend. Say 'hi' to Madam Chair Dormouse for all of us in the US of A. And happy hazelnut hunting for the rest of the summer and fall. ;-D

Red MacDonald

"I have to catch an early

"I have to catch an early train ..."

I suggest waiting until it stops. They're much easier to catch that way.

Enjoy the conference!


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}

The early train...

Angharad's picture

...catches the dormouse (conference). Old Bonzian proverb.
