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Went to see Mission Impossible and didn't get home until too late to write. Film was very enjoyable hokum.



If the one and

only Mission Impossible movie i watched is any thing to go by , I would almost certainly have burnt out my brain cell ten minutes into the latest movie , Hopefully this one was a little less complicated and Angharads brain cells have escaped unscathed ...

Hope you had a really good night Angharad , Going to the cinema is fun, But its never quite the same watching a movie that should be seen on huge screen on your TV...


fyi - the MI theme song was written in 5/4 time

I hadn't realized it until it was pointed out at a middle school concert that I attended years ago when my kids were in the band. It doesn't sound like 5/4, but the first two notes hold for a beat and a half each. Try counting it out with your fingers while you hum along.