This morning BC seems to be going through a rearrangement on my iPad (there have been recent problems for iPad readers) and before I knew it I had for the first time posted on a 'Forum'. That woke me up to examine the home page further and I discovered 'Statuses'
Is there such a word as 'statuses'? A check of the dictionary suggests there is and it is the preferred plural of 'status' despite sounding odd. But what does it mean for a BC member? Is it like Facebook? Do you want to know that I was awoken today by the grunts and cries issuing from a passing dragon boat?
Status / Statuses / MicroBlogging
Yes, we are working on the menus. Statuses have been renamed Status, and yes, they are similar to what you would find on many social networks.
We often have a large number of "Short" blog messages that get posted. Because of how the site is configured, this often causes blogs, forum topics, and other items to often get pushed off the front page lists.
As a result, we have instituted a module called Status, which allows users to post their Status/Statuses as a Micro Blog like on other social networks.
This is one of a few changes we are implementing to hopefully improve the overall usability of BigCloset and introduce some more social features that people go elsewhere for while preserving user privacy by not integrating outside services like Facebook into the site.
As we make these changes, we will update users to how they work but haven't had a chance to yet because we hadn't yet quite figured out how everything was going to fit together. Not to mention we wanted to know if anyone would notice the new features without us saying anything (who here remembers Buttons?) :)
I would love to see.
Some form of "Favorites" re-implemented.
Favorites, Recommended, Likes, what ever you wan to call it.
A list of favorites is way different then a working set of bookmarks. At least to me.
Favorites is seems more like it is to tell other "Gee I like this and you might too!" While bookmarks is more to help you keep track of stuff not to lose your place or miss something. Not that there is not some overlap.
~Hypatia >i< ..:::
'Likes' and 'Favourites'
You can 'Like' a new 'Status' mini-blog Hypatia but I don't think others can yet see what we like which would be a 'favourite' indication.
Rhona McCloud
Favorites recreated?
I may be able to recreate the function of favorites but I'm pretty sure I can't recover the info that existed before. I'm going to try to work on the thought I have now of how to do it next week.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
'Following' and 'Fan'
I've just found these options by going to an author's account page and have made a few 'Fan' entries treating it as I would have 'Favourite' before but for the author rather than a particular story of theirs.
Rhona McCloud