Last night a few of us had our first gaming session in the #dungeon room in the IRC chat.
I think it was a success. I enjoyed last nights session. This is my first time being a GM with Pathfinder and I like to think I pulled it off with teaching two new players about how to game in this system, and letting the two experienced players have some fun playing.
This game is being run on Thursdays from 7pm to at least 10pm EST. We actually went to just past 11pm.
The Adventure party is full barring no one drops out. Everyone is welcome to come watch.
If you feel like running another game at a different time, feel free to do so.
I'm very said I couldn't take part in the first game...
Unfortunately I was still recovering from the last part of my SRS and asleep alone in that horrible hospital bed.
Anway, reading the log, t seems to have been a very interesting first evening and andventure for everyone. I promise I give my best to install all the necessary tools as soon as possible and getting Alitranna to join the party.
Saphira alias Alitranna Darkeyes
>> There is not one single truth out there. <<
Too bad
Because that means about 1am CET. That too late to stay awake on Thursday night. Also you forgot to mention IRC server adress.
I might take you up on the offer of someone running another game
At least eventually.
Melanie E.
Are the logs up somewhere?
Saphira mentioned reading through the logs. I'd love to take a look!
Personally, I'd be interested in playing, or possibly running (though that'd require a good bit of prep for me).
I've never understood games needing prep time.
Admittedly, I don't tend to run the most professional sessions, and I play really fast and loose with the rules, but the one time I tried to do major pre-planning on a game the players trashed everything I'd set up anyway, so I've taken to just winging it as we go along. The people I've run games for seemed to like it, so *shrug*
Melanie E.
log files
I don't think they're up somewhere, but I can send them to you by email or maybe google docs
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