Ok, so Jessica's Story - Part 4 is now posted. I just wanted to say a few things about this, and regarding some of the posts made to the earlier chapters.
By the time I began writing Michelle's Story, I had already completed a good many chapters of Jessica's Story. Seeing how the stories are linked, I had to go back and edit the first few chapters of Jessica's Story, just to accommodate the progression of the other, as well as editing any continuity errors (Yes, we all make mistakes :) ).
Jessica's Story - Part 4 is the first part in this story, to share text with Michelle's Story. The phone conversation between Helen, John and Anne is repeated in Michelle's Story, thus tying the stories together for the first time.
Do the cousins meet? Yes they do, though I intentionally had them live a great distance apart, just to make meetings between them less often, and in a way, more special. The first time they do meet, neither is actually aware of the other.
As for visiting gender therapists. It's been pointed out, that they are too young to even consider therapy. When they go, they are told that nothing can be done anyway, due to their age. So, as some have pointed out, all they can do, is live as girls.
As for Michelle's Story itself, don't think harshly of James. Yes, he's pushy towards Michael, all because his younger brother is shy and sensitive, and he still takes his teddy to bed (the fact that James still keeps his own teddy at hand, even if completely ignored, is used to counter this.). The fact is, that James' faults are that he wants to fit in with the "in" crowd, and that he feels that Michael is on course to become bully fodder if he doesn't come out of his shell. He cares for Michael, but his methods are a little heavy.
Sally is a character that came about out of necessity. I brought her in to give reason for Adam's attitude problems. She then became a useful character, for she is a fountain of knowledge for both Jessica and Michelle. She emphasises with them both perfectly. Her affection for children comes from her having a rather uncomfortable childhood - she effectively gets a second chance at childhood through them.
As for the length of both stories: I intend to take them so far along their pre teen childhood, before jumping forward a few years to their teens, when their journeys take the first real step. But for now, they're girls, they like dresses, princesses, long hair, parties, dolls. and find kissing to be yucky.
Thanks for all the comments.
Rachel Porter