Can't win for losing

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I had a replacement picc line almost 2 weeks ago. Things have been going fine with it. That is, until today. The first time the picc line get ripped out because it got caught on the car seat and I was smart enough to get it moved to the other side. Today, however, this wasn't remotely my fault.

We have this stray that comes in at times and eats. Not a big deal, we let it in, a real sweet cat. But since it isn't box trained, we don't keep it in the house for long. Most of the time he just leaves when we call and everything is fine. Today was different. He decided he wanted to stay in, but I can't have him peeing on things (last time he peed on my bed). So I followed him into the kitchen, not chasing really. He decided to dart off; right through my IV line, pulling out the picc line. It was halfway out, but gravity has done the final part and now i think it is all but out. Where it is placed, I can't reach it and I'm waiting for Felix to get home, but I think it's too late. I won't pull it all the way out myself, just in case it is salvageable, but I doubt it.

Also, I need 2 more rounds of antibiotics through this thing tonight and I am hoping against hope.


PICC issues.

have them add more tape in different places... so that secondary location can take the stress/strain that would pull out the cannula. The secondary tape would catch something that would disconnect you.

Good luck.

Picc line

most people don't know that a Picc line is like a port into the vein in your arm or other place they can find a good vein and that the Picc line is used to administer I V drugs such as an antibiotic.
Good Luck with this hope all is well keep getting better
Hugs Richie