Sissy Fetish?

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Well; I’m here. I’m not sure why, but I’ll start by pointing out I have a sissy fetish. Getting in touch with my feminine side through gender-swapping my clothing, altering my figure with removable prosthetic breast/hips (Thanks TheBreastFormStore!!!), applying makeup, and wigs sexually “does it for me”. Honestly, just as much as heterosexual sex.

I’m not sure where it developed in my early childhood, but my understanding is it may be more of a control mechanism. I was always interested in the girls, but didn’t believe in flaunting my feathers to get their attention like the other boys. If the girls came my way they had my full attention; I just never bothered to chase them. That’s probably where the sissy-alter-ego found a place in my life to the best of my knowledge.

There was also a period of sexual contact by a woman who cared for me as a child, but I’m not sure if that affected me much at all. Either way, I think my mindset was “I don’t need to chase those girls; I can be my own girl”. Makes even less sense as I type it; especially since sexual release wasn’t in play until a few years later, but it is what it is and my sissy fetish was born.

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