My heart goes out to our sisters and brothers in Buffalo. The whole upper and western northern part of N.Y. got clobbered by a winter's worth of snow overnight.
I hope you're all safe and warm up there. I'm in Jamestown N.Y. and all we got was some cold temps. it's 9F here right now.
Catherine Linda Michel
I have...
Several friends in the Rochester area. I hope they are all doing well.
~And so it goes...
Buffalo NY
Think anybody will notice? ;-)
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
Check Weather Channel
I saw that yesterday 37 inches and 4 inches per hour and going to snow till Friday with update to maybe more , all lake effect snow . Warm wind coming on shore hitting to cold and a major snow storm in spots . Being safe
Be warm!
Now that's getting up to levels I saw when I lived in Scandinavia! Be warm, everybody!
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
Saw similar snow fall such as
Saw similar snow fall such as Buffalo is getting only three times in my life. Once in Alaska Territory (1950s), later in Southern Germany/Austria (1963)in their part of the Alps and finally in Minnesota in the early 1980s. It isn't so much they are getting snow, which they usually do; it is the idea they are getting it all at once and the time of the year (early). I wish everyone there all the best and to be as safe as they can be. I heard today, that sadly there has been seven deaths from this so far. Very Sad indeed. Janice Lynn
Pray for those in snow hell
I'm about 50 km away from Buffalo along the Canadian side of Lake Erie. Between Monday evening and Wednesday afternoon, we were hit with about 50 cm of snow (about a foot and a half). This amount isn't unheard of around here, but because of the early timing, any trees that haven't lost all their leaves are cracking under the weight. But we here are only on the edge of this disaster. The television weather is showing that Buffalo now has 240 cm (about 8 feet) of snow on the ground, all fallen in the last three days. But it keeps getting worse... they're expecting another 30 cm (one foot) today and no one knows when it will end. Windows and doors are caving in, roofs are collapsing and people are dying. No one can get out and help is struggling to get in. This is definitely one for the history books.