A few weeks ago, Steven Miller[student pastor] asked me to do the Scripture Reading in the Traditional Service.
I said I would. I thought, "Why not?" I have been apart of the service before.
Boy, was I ever scared. Then the girl to be the Acolyte [ Haliegh ] was running late.
I had been helping them to get ready by telling them when it was time to get in the robes.
Well, Jerri,[the lady in charge of the acolytes] was ready to let me help out.
Now, I had had no training, I was going at it "cold turkey." Was I ever frightened!!!!
Luckily, she arrived in time to suit up. Was I ever relieved!! I thought I was going to make a fool of myself!!!
After that "nightmare" was over, I was added to the Acolyte list. I practiced a few times to get a feel for the "drama," and to gain confidence.
Yeah! Right! I was scared silly!! Luckily, Diane, an acolyte gave me a few pointers. My first time as the Crucifer went off without a problem.
Well, Jerri had to wash my robe because I was sweating so badly, other than that, no problem.
I was scheduled to be the Crucifer this week, but Jerri forgot. Hal.iegh was to be the Crucifer. Well, because Sherry was unable to make it, I was asked to be the Crucifer. It went off without a hitch in the program.
I found out that Jerri found a way to "mark" my robe, while she was ironing it, she left a steam mark on it.
In the Contemporary Service, Reverend Sally Allocoa paid me a big compliment. She said the way I undertook the role of Crucifer
Glorified GOD in my devotion to the LORD.
I was floored by that revelation. My Church Family has come to mean so much to me. After my sister Jenny called them about my medical condition, they rallied around me.
Now, they are going to start ministering to me. All this time, I have done the serving, now it looks as if GOD has chosen this to be the time for me to receive the blessings.
Who wants to argue with GOD?
Not me!! Well, since then, I have discovered the secret to being the Crucifer and not mess up.
Last Sunday, I WAS scheduled . I thought that because I did it last week, Diane would this week.
Since I was not prepared, I was still scared, but not as much as I should have been.
I suited up, the girls[Haleigh and Jesse] were Acolytes. While waiting for them to get ready, I gave it to GOD. I felt relief.
The service was beautiful. I was again complimented on my
part. Now, I will not be afraid, I know I will be reverent in my service.